LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER July 26th, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER July 26th, 2018

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER July 26th, 2018

Will read your COMMENTS on the AIR!

LOTS to talk about TONIGHT!!!

Join @MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko

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42 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER July 26th, 2018

  1. POTUS Trump has admonished hecklers from CNN and other network in the past. You’d think they’d figure it out by now, but it’s because they serve the Left, they are only in the WH to try to oust our president.

  2. The Left doesn’t recognize the authority of the Office of the President of the United States unless their man (or woman) is in power. It is all about the NARRATIVE. Josh Earnest lied through his teeth on a daily basis but the media would say nothing.

    CNN is about taking down this presidency. Anything that bolsters his administration is off limits.

  3. Mr. P. — You should have kept your “CNN Sucks” plan to yourself. Now, if you get arrested, everyone will know who Mr. P. is. LOL!

    Try a “Mr. Yuck” sticker, instead.

  4. Did you guys see the “expert” on economics/markets on either CNN or MSNBC business segment? In the middle of telling everyone how terrible Trump’s economic policies are — tariffs — there was breaking news highlighting all the great concessions made by Juncker and the EU and how Trump’s policies were working so well.

  5. Pompeo should have said we were asking for the bathhouse video of Obama in Chicago but they wanted the Ukraine back, so we said no.

    How’s that for tough on Russia.

  6. @Abigail, and the Chinese are also sweating by pulling back their currency. We are winning. Did anyone also hear Dan Bongino’s podcast today? We don’t care about Stormy, or anywhore, or impeachment claims…we are winning and will continue to win! That is our new mantra! We don’t care! You laid down the ground rules for this game. OK, we’ll play your game now that we have Trump! Romney not McCain could have brought us this success.

  7. Trump is trying to save the country from becoming like Brazil. My father worked ask a broker on Wall Street for 30 years. His father was one of the founding partners of major Wall Street firms that you would know by name if you were around in the 80-90’s. He would always warn that we were heading in the direction of Brazil. Ultra rich and massive poverty with no discernible middle class.

    Look at Obama in South Africa… in Urban terms…he got paid but now he is going to tell everyone else how to live. Look at him in S.A. pumping up the masses for a Marxist government who is on the verge of a mass genocide.

    Trump is not a saint, but I think he knows this. But look at what he does when he honors those that serve America,,,,like the 94 year old vet the other day. He, being a flawed human being, sees the greatness of our people and our country. Obama, a narcissist, hates the core of our Republic and its people and only wants to be on top to rule over the people. Trump is just being Trump because he is used to being on top (because he fought to be there).

    Obama had no idea how to run the economy because he never really participated in it and couldn’t negotiate a trade deal to save his life. Obama, just like Justin Trudeau, is about giving away his country’s wealth to earn global praise. Trump is about America first.

  8. Mr. Pinko & Mike.
    If Romney got elected? We wouldn’t know of:
    1. Killary’s screw ups/ emails etc.
    2. Fusion GPS.
    3. The Steele Dosier.
    4. We’d still have Brennan, Comey,Clapper, McCabe.
    5. Michael Cohen would still be practicing Law.
    6. Stormy Daniels would still be just a whore.
    7. Donald Trump would still be building buildings
    8. NATO would still be phucking us.
    9. China, North Korea, and Russia would still be phucking us
    10. The European Union would still be snickering at us.
    I could go on but I need a drink. God Bless y’all, President Trump, and the U.S. of America.

  9. What do you think of Rod Rosenstein? Some people on Twitter that say they know what’s going on say he is in cahoots with Trump to get all the Swamp people to out themselves.

    Then there are people like Jordan and Meadows that are calling for his impeachment.

    What to believe?

  10. Jim Jordan has been kicking ass on the Hill, that’s why we suddenly have the Ohio State scandal emerging with Perkins Cole (the law firm of the Democrats) as the firm backing these losers who accusing Jordan of wrong doing. You know he’s the biggest threat when something like this comes out of nowhere right as he is set to run for Speaker of the House.

  11. Hey Guys did you guys ever play the Showbox in Seattle, 1000 seat venue . Been here for 80 years and they are going to tear it down to put up a 44 story building.
    Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington,Guns and Roses,The Foo Fighters’ Everyone who was in the music business played there over the years,soon it will been gone all across America.
    The left wants to erase history.

  12. Sessions needs to step down if there is a bigtime seat change in the House after the mid-terms. He needs to go if its going to become an issues of impeachment before the 2020 election. You need to take these suckers out ASAP Clapper, Brennan, Strozk, Hillary, Rice, Mills, Powers, Yates….etc….


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