LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER May 1, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER May 1, 2018

8:00pm – 10:00pm EST

LOTS to talk about TONIGHT!!! North Korea prisoner release, Ben Shapiro / Kanye West, EMPEACH 45 Mad Maxine, Las Vegas Video Release, VOTE or Democrats win and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Join MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko

We will read your comments ON THE AIR!


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54 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER May 1, 2018

  1. Mr. Pinko — Please stop backing off of your thanks to God!! Don’t be bashful about that! God is exactly why we have Trump. In fact, POTUS Trump just signed an executive order today to form an Executive office for a faith initiative, saying that America has always been animated by its believers. How cool is that?!

    So, stop saying “I’m not one of those people…..” 🙂

  2. The Left’s attempt to impeach POTUS Trump on a trumped-up, phoney-baloney charge like obstruction or perjury can be directly compared to a military coup or illegal overthrow of a country. It’s exactly the same thing.

  3. Mr. P. — On the amount of freedom in this country. Not at all. We’re nearly as tightly regulated on EVERYTHING as the EU. We aren’t even “free” to shoot an intruder on our property without facing a legal battle. Many aren’t free to even protect themselves with a firearm. And Mike is right, there is no freedom for alternative voices on a college campus anymore. Our laws and our current culture don’t protect conservative free speech. And the laws governing freedom of speech and religion are God-given! We are not obligated to “thank” anyone for our freedoms.

  4. I think if they try and charge Trump you will see violence in the streets from conservatives. You’re right on target with what you’re saying. And conservatives are getting pissed.

  5. Mr. P — Then read the book of Isiah. My point is not about being a “good Christian” or going to church. Mike just quoted being doomed by the lack of knowledge of history. The first stories of doom based on forgetting is found in Isiah.

  6. Abigail. They are winning. I’m sorry to say but there is little chance of rugged men and women taking back this country from the caitiffs running and writing about it now.
    Since the man announced for his run for the Presidency, he, and his family, have endured contempt and obloquy, that no man has ever endured, that I ,in my life, have ever witnessed.
    But before he announced for the Presidency, he was the “cock o’the walk” with the liberals: the phucking bees knees. He was on Oprha,(1985/88) Ledderman. Orca CNN, NBC, CBS,The apprentice. And so on. They loved him. The audiences loved him. Check them out . Watch the videos. This handsome, brilliant American, telling it like it is:
    This doer, this builder, telling us that Japan, China, and NATO are fucking us. That was back in 1985. He hasn’t changed But he is trying to drain the swamp in Washington, and probably some State Houses that need to be drained. New York is one.
    And then, just for pure amusement “Youtube” The best compilations of people who laughed at Trump. Just watch Ann Coulter.
    Good night IOTW.


  7. Mr. Pinko
    The push back is going to come from the same crowd that showed up at the Bundy Ranch. Another thing to consider, our military loves Trump and this bull shit is clearly unconstitutional.

  8. Let’s stop being incredulous about #NT who are trying to sandbag us! Look at Kristol who recently said he was backing the D’s! How much more evidence is needed to understand EXACTLY who these people are? Let’s stop wasting our time and energy trying to figure them out. It’s time to just lay waste to them all.

  9. So Guys, are we going to use this as a platform to promote the people we want to be voted into office, who to support, and who to work against. I am only sending pro Trump people here.
    What is the plan? I like the banter, but this is serious stuff and we need to treat it that way.
    Next week will be a big deal, and our country will turn on it.
    IG Report.

  10. Well Moe that was one of your best comments ever.
    Don’t stop make statements like that, that was a good rant.
    Call Fur he will put you at the head of the line.

  11. Mr. Pinko
    If you check back here and read the you need to catch Laura Ingraham’s interview with Rod Blagojevich wife that was recorded tonight. It was the same crew, Mueller, Comey, RR and company that put him away. She has quite a story and a warning for President Trump.

  12. One last thing, for those of you on Twitter, you need to follow Mike Pompeo. The guys a laugh riot.

    “I already lasted longer than @Scaramucci, I guess I’m doing ok so far”

  13. @Bad Brad

    Blago didn’t do anything that other Il pols do, but his mistake was that he used Zero’s senate seat to do it with and perhaps Zero was going to sell his seat himself. I eed to find that interview.

    Thanks for the info.

  14. ” Zero was going to sell his seat himself.”

    As I remember back, I think that was the deal. Bottom line, , Mueller, Comey, RR need to be dealt with. In the harshest way.


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