LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER May 24, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER May 24, 2018


LOTS to talk about TONIGHT!!!

Join MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko

We will read your comments/questions ON THE AIR!


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34 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER May 24, 2018

  1. From Gateway Pundit:

    On Thursday night (Friday morning in Korea) the North Korean government released a statement:
    – North Korea is still willing to sit down at “any time”
    – The U.S. decision is not in line with the “ideals of mankind” and was unexpected by North Korea considering the preparations

    North Korea announced it was still open to talks with the United States.

    #BREAKING North Korea is still open to talks with the US, says KCNA

    — AFP news agency (@AFP) May 24, 2018

    KCNA: North Korea says Pres. Trump’s decision to cancel summit in Singapore was unexpected, regime is still willing to meet with the U.S. in the future

    — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) May 24, 2018

  2. Telly Phone Lines
    When one cloud syncs one device
    One cloud uploads downloads uploads
    Jus’ sayin’ you know
    Especially super-duper safety APProved ones

  3. The problem with saying “considering all the preparations” is that apparently one of the problems with going forward is that no one on the U.S. side could get NoKo people to call back to finalize preparations….

    something is fishy about NoKo’s claims, if true.

  4. Do you guys have the ability to play audio clips on Spreaker?

    (Fur, why do I have to enter my Name and Email each time I post a comment now? Anyone else having this issue?)

  5. One of the best descriptions of what communism and socialism is from David Horowitz. I just listened last night to his YT video “communism and socialism.”

    The Left is modeled on Christianity — except instead of a deity as the redeemer, they consider themselves to be the redeemers. He says “What lie would you not tell, what crime would you not commit, what Lefty cause would you not support if you believed you were part of creating a heaven on earth?”

  6. Today was a pivotal change in foreign policy, it is now the Trump doctrine. Make no mistake things have changed, and they will only get better. The world will take notice of what Trump did today.
    In a nutshell don’t screw with me.

  7. AA I wanted to sing a song on the air, to hear how I sounded:
    Regarding Mr. Trump telling Rocket Boy to phuck off:
    “Youve’s got to know when when to hold’em
    Know when to fold ’em.
    Know when to walk away,
    Know when to run.”
    Thank you Kenny Rogers. And President Trump. MAGA.


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