TUNE IN TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – The U.S. & Eh!? Show
Post your comments/questions here and we will read them on the air.
Political Talk Show. Conservative, On the Right, Pro-Trump. We are the Revolution of Common Sense People.
LOTS to talk about.
TUNE IN TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – The U.S. & Eh!? Show
Post your comments/questions here and we will read them on the air.
Political Talk Show. Conservative, On the Right, Pro-Trump. We are the Revolution of Common Sense People.
LOTS to talk about.
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Democrats have stolen EVERY HOUSE race in California since election day.
All of the tight races were led by Republicans on Election Day.
Somebody better start doing something about this.
You gotta ask your self, what the hell is going on here. The Silicon Valley mega rich were passing out big dollars to help Socialist candidates, in a lot of different states. Socialism aligns it’s self much closer to Globalism than Nationalism. And big business is now all about Globalism. It’s fair to say the Republican party is primarily made up of Globalists. Are we being sold down the river for the benefit of our elite? Oh and by the way turn in your guns. Remember Trump was the ONLY Nationalist running during 2016.
Interestingly enough what seems to be trending on Twitter right now is Patriotism good, Nationalism Bad. And you need to pick one or the other. What I find ironic is they are using a quote from Charles de Gaulle
“Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.”
Chuck baby was the leader of the French Resistance. Sounds like a Nationalist to me.
These young people are just eating this shit up. Scary times.
Regarding the insanity of places that elect the likes of Kamala Harris–If we think it’s bad now, just wait 15 years more what will it look like then with all their present anchor babies (from all over the world) grown up?
I know we have a lot of political crap to discuss, but I want to share something I saw on Twitter. It was a touching, beautiful video. The heart of a warrior and his little protege!
There still is love in this world.
I hate to start the “paging Matt Whitaker” routine, but wouldn’t this election be a good time for the DOJ to come out of hibernation?
Awwwwwww, Mr. Pinko, you made me blush!
Yeah skip a bunch of leg days…”Somebody better start doing something about this.”
Can’t hear a thing.
Make Claudia blush again.
I can at least watch.
Great stuff Claudia. What a little trooper!
We need to have several observers in each polling place, scattered around each entry/exit point. Include some enforcement officers (local, state, federal) with the observers. No one leaves or enters after polls close until counting is done. Bring your jammies if needed.
If there are too many voters than they can handle, split to make the voter locations smaller.
My opinion- mentioned today on IOTW Report- and I agree.
Next Press Briefing, give Abilio (Libido) Acosta all the questions.
Keep calling on him. Keep him on for about 15 minutes. Then end the briefing and walk away.
Watch the rest of the press corp go effing bonkers. Peer pressure will straighten this cur’s ass out, fast.
They are saying we need an army of poll watchers for 2020, especially here:
Broward County, FL
Bridgeport, CT
purple states
Michigan . . .
Not enough Republican poll watchers in Democrat districts!
Yes! and who is watching the “helpers” I heard when I was voting?
I don’t think voters should be allowed to re-do ballots when the marks are incorrectly made–verbally told and it’s on the ballot and THEN if they screw up that’s it–BUT at my polling place apparently the machine that sucks up the paper returns ballots not marked with filled in circles–wrong, too time consuming! especially in large precincts.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Pinko just Jimmy the Greeked himself.
There has been enough poll watchers etc…Prosecution is the next step and the only step to honest elections with voter ID….
BFH was probably talking about your Chris Rock comment.
Watching the MSM justify all the stealing and the hypocrisy between their narratives on GA and FL makes your head explode.
They are incapable of being honest or objective.
Occasional-Cortez should look into loans. She has a promised salary of $174,000 a year for the next 2 years and she can’t get an apartment?!
When Paul Krugman and Hillary start talking about how the Electoral College needs to go and that WY shouldn’t get 2 Senators if CA only gets two because of it’s population, remind them that 25% of US poor and welfare recipients are in CA. CA has 12.2 million on Medicare, which is greater than population of 44 states.
Chris Rock-
OK, what did Pinko say?
@Joe6 He didn’t say the “N” word, I will voughe for that! (But we all know what he meant
FDR – Fireside chat
Hi guys. Got home late from work.
Keep up the good work.
Give little jimmy his own special hat to wear,and tell him he is in his safe space in the back row,right next to the very bad guy with a gun.
Little jimmy will not be the story for long,just watch,he has pissed off a lot of people.
Love Poland. We have an international day in town this weekend. I landed a Polish according player for the event.
I left you guys some messages on Spreaker.
Wow! Spell check hit me hard tonight. And now I just heard the garage door open, my wife is home! Spell check and wives are a lot alike!
This streamer radio needs a direct MP3 link.
Can you post that?
Mr Pinko
Had to bail after my comment but stuck around long enough to hear your reaction. I gathered you’re not buying my train of thought.
Please read this
Listen to “UsandEh?! with @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstom3 November the 16th 2018” on Spreaker.
This is the link you posted
A direct link for your show ends in “.mp3”.
But, it’s your Show.