LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER October 12th, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER October 12th, 2018

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER Friday October 12th 2018


Post your comments/questions here and we will read them on the air.

Political Talk Show. Conservative, On the Right, Pro-Trump. We are the Revolution of Common Sense People.

LOTS to talk about.


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57 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER October 12th, 2018

  1. You guys gonna’ talk about how some Nova Scotia company bought the rights to Charlie Brown?

    The hell is that about? You people tried and failed already with your round headed simpleton, Caillou.


  2. Today is “Conservative Coming Out Day” in the Seattle area. I was listening to talk radio this afternoon and there were SCADS of former D’s “coming out”! I think it was Lars Larson’s show.

    Canvassing for Dino Rossi (R) tomorrow!!

  3. I can hear just fine now that I switched to (*gag*) IE. I’ve got Opera locked down pretty tight and didn’t feel like figuring out what servers I had to bless. With IE I allow pretty much everything but it all gets trashed when I close the session.

  4. Mr. P – Hurricane Michael was a virtual non-event here in Sarasota County. The center passed us heading north but 200-250 miles west of us. A little rain, a little breeze, we were mighty lucky compared to those poor souls in the Panhandle.

  5. Whew. I can hear you again. I gotta warn you, though, that it won’t take but a few more exposures to that 30 second Busch Gardens Halloween party advertisement before I will have to go to bed and hide my head under my pillow.

  6. Pith helmet


    pith hat, a helmet-shaped sun-hat made of the dried pith of the Indian Solah or Spongewood of Bengal (Æschynomene aspera), hence called pith-hat-plant (Miller Plant-n. 1884); pith helmet = pith hat;

    A pith hat/helmet would have been appropriate for a trip to India. Africa, not so much.

  7. Just a comment at the Treehouse.Make what you will of it.
    Ok, here is what I think happened.
    She pulled it herself before the Security Incident was initiated so it wouldn’t LOOK detrimental to her and her subordinates. Once a Security Incident is initiated (of which Obama held off on), a Security Review has to take place and ALL associated Security Clearances are suspended or revoked pending the investigation. She pulled it first so it doesn’t go on her file and (technically) she wouldn’t be able to get it back and would keep her from running for federal office again.
    However, this way, if she runs for president and wins, there is not a Security Violation on her record of it being REVOKED as a security threat. Its a weasel move and also is telling about her future presidential aspirations.
    She pulled it herself so they couldn’t REVOKE it permanently.

    I have a little knowledge about TS/SCI, SF86’s, Security Incidents and Background Investigations.
    Although this explanation is not exact, I think it gets the point across.
    Hillary, Bill and the Obama’s all did something similar with their law licenses.

  8. Thank you U. Al. Just got home and trying to catch up.
    The big question is what the hell are they up too.
    Is this the last play they have or is there more to come.

  9. there’s quite a big difference between a hearing, esp. a congressional hearing, and a trial, esp. a criminal trial.

    Most congressional hearing testimony is given by people invited to testify. Invitations can be declined. At times cong. committees can issue subpoenas but that’s a lot more rare. When a subpoena is ignored, the only real penalty is being held in contempt of congress. It’s not like they toss your butt in the slammer or anything.

  10. Mike and Pinko I was just making a funny. Up above.
    There was so much winning last week it all got glossed over.
    Trade, ect.
    And there will be more winning this week.
    Trump is bring home another American today.
    How great is that.

  11. Time to watch another rally now and then go door belling in the mourning for Dino Rossi. “Washington’s 8th district”. A seat we need.
    What are you guys doing Saturday?

  12. This has been an outstanding week for the black GOTV!!

    Kanye in the WH — CNN goes totally beserk and does a nutty in response — black conservatives look like Nobel Prize level analysts — Life is good.

  13. What do you guys think about black voters wanting to change “MAGA” to just “MAG”? Someone keeps saying that the “Again” part is offensive to them because it recalls the “old days” of Jim Crow. I say why give in to the twisted interpretation?


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