LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER October 5th, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER October 5th, 2018

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER Friday October 5th 2018

LOTS to talk about.


Post your comments/questions here and we will read them on the air.

Political Talk Show. Conservative, On the Right, Pro-Trump. We are the Revolution of Common Sense People.

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25 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER October 5th, 2018

  1. Good evening Mr. Pinko and Mr. Mike. Great news today, looks like Judge Kavanaugh will be seated. The hearings, however were an absolute disgrace. Not one democrat showed an ounce of decency. Durbin ,Whitehouse, Harris, Booker, Leahy, Feinstein, Blumenthall, and others showed themselves to be dishonorable caitiffs. They should never again be elected to office.
    Back in 1798, John Adams said “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadiquate in the government of any other.”
    These past couple of years proves him spot on.
    I’ll chat with you later. Have a great show

  2. Moe Tom, thanks for the John Adams quote. I bet our founding fathers never thought that in less than 250 years, we would be heading toward a “Sodom & Gomorrah or pre-Noah’s Ark” society.

  3. The new level of insanity is that the both Ford and her former FBI agent friend Monica McLean (who might have exerted pressure on Leland Ingham Keyser to change her testimony), are being represented by people who have direct dealings with the FISA warrant scandal. The scary conspiracy theory would be that those who are running the Trump Russia probe reached out to Ford via Monica McLean to recruit her or Ford reached out to McLean to volunteer her services to take down Kavanaugh. Looks like the FBI has text messages between McLean and Keyser. THe question would be, did Feinstein and Hirono (or their staff) get caught on tape, text or email interfering with a witness. Also, did Sheila Jackson Lee coordinate a hit with Ford’s lawyers by doxxing the GOPer’s.

  4. thanks Moe Tom! That’s why I am in love with John Adams. He was the real brains behind the enterprise.

    And Claudia, I try to always make the distinction between “our society” and “Leftists.” I really learned that lesson from Dinesh D’Souza, who always says: “Not all of America was/is racist. Not all of America supported slavery. Some Americans, Democrats, were/are, and fought to preserve slavery. And other Americans fought them to stop it. The Republican party was launched in order to do that.” The Left always includes all Americans in their “America Bad” rhetoric.

  5. @ChristianPDX — Yup, that’s about the size of it, and seems to explain Feinstein’s pallor after she viewed the FBI’s last investigation of Kavanaugh. Have you seen CTH’s commentary on all this?

  6. Murkowksi says she will vote “present” tomorrow, even though she is a “no” on Kavanaugh. So now looking at 50-48.

    She is trying to save face. So brave, Lisa!

  7. Hey Boys,
    You sound great on this channel.
    My take on the vote tomorrow: It ain’t hay until it’s in the barn. I don’t trust any of these wimpy RINOs. Of course there will be ANOTHER 11th hour surprize that will give Flakey Foont a reason to stutter again.
    The problem with this new lower basr that hax been set is that we don’t go there. We never go there. Which is fine but turning the other cheek is going to loose the country on us.

    What should be done, irregardless of the vote is Ellison needs to be taken out. All the accusers need to be brought to justice. And DiFi needs to be investigated. And why do we just throw up our hands at the thought of Soros getting justice? He needs to investigated with RICO in mind.

    Finally, “Heads Will Roll” is getting play and mention. Tomorrow night is a rock benefit in Danbury for ALS (A Fore ‘n’ Aft reunion). Richie Scarlett is playing with Alice Cooper’s rhythm section asnd zi hasver iy on s good tip that Alice will show. He is sober sand conservative and the song evokes images of the French Revolution and guillotine. Hmmm.

  8. Mr. Pinko I have to give you credit for this. I typed up little notes that said ” I notice that some asshole put a Clinton/Keene sticker on your bumper,I just don’t want you riding around looking like a fucking idiot.” I folded it and stuck it in the door jamb. Me bad
    Just read Cris Cassone. Hope he’s wrong. But ya never know with these politicians.

  9. Hi,Guys. We are still winning. Bigly!!
    P. Trump is going to bury the Clinton’s tomorrow.
    When they set this up they had no idea that someone would hit back this hard. TRUMP.
    P.Trump knows his history, Kavanaugh was was going to throw P.Clinton in jail;they hate him. And that is how we got where we are to day. Look up his role in the Clinton impeachment.

  10. There are two things that I despise.
    One’s politicians,
    The other is flies,
    One eats shit, the other tells lies.
    The more I see politicians,
    The more I like flies. (Billy Shakespeare.)

    moe tom


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