LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER September 21st, 2018
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LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER September 21st, 2018
Post your comments/questions here and we will read them on the air.
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Mr. Pinko. I heard you say a while back you played with some well-known bands. Did you play drums? I think you said you did, if I remember correctly. Without revealing your true identity, could you name one musician you played with? Even if he is really obscure?
Man. I can’t believe you saw Zebra with BFH. You talked about that on my way home one night. Awesome!
Not a drummer
Zebra opened up for a famous band I was in.
The Dr. Ford chick missed her deadline to send Grassley her statement. He extended it to 10pm tonight.
Why give the left an inch when we all know all they are doing it go delay his confirmation so he won’t be able to be seated when SCOTUS begins next month.
Never give them anything.
Let them hang themselves.
Oh, all right. I know.
It’s just that I don’t trust the Rs in congress.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww kitties!
Blasey has had enough time now for her “make-over” and if she can keep this going till the election she’ll recover from her face peel and be ready to testify.
rOSENSTEIN, rOSENSTIEN, What the fuck does it matter? He’s a fucking scumbag.I’m too pissed off to even talk to you guys. This Kavanaugh thing is outrageous. The cunt wants to testify without being questioned by lawyers! She wants the accused to be questioned first.
She dosen’t want to be questioned by lawyers. Most of these assholes in congress are fuckin lawyers. Bring me, a phucking carpenter. in. and I’ll questiom your ass.
BFH, Pinko, and I often saw Zebra at a little club in Yonkers early on when there were only about a dozen people in the crowd. Same story with Twisted Sister.
What has President Trump done to deserve the left’s attempt to destroy him?
He won.
So, ford’s lawyer is saying she can’t get to DC to testify on Monday because she has a fear of flying. Much, if not the majority, of her research has been related to mifepristone, or RU486 as it is often called. You, know ‘the morning after pill.’ She very actively promotes other suggested uses for that drug, one of which is for anxiety and psychosis. This is mostly to keep it in wide circulation, Come on, doctor- take your own medicine. Then get on the friggin’ plane. Your published research says the drug works. Total fraud, she is.
Start driving!
It is a bunch of crap. Furthermore, there should be some law on the books, somewhere, having to do with the obstruction of justice (how ironic, huh?). Diane feinstein (Trump pronounces it “finesteen”) should be cashiered out along with every other D who is part of obstructing the order of business in the congress. In the past few years the D’s have had a sit-in, failed to show up for various events in the congress, all wore matching colors during important speeches, the SOTU, ad nauseum. They shouldn’t get paid tax-payer dollars because they’re NOT DOING THEIR JOBS. How are these people any different than the exposed staffers who are now being investigated for “slow balling” the work of the gov’t?
everyone should wear funny hats for tuesday’s show
that will be fun!
Hi guys good to hear you are still on the air.
Look for them to bring out more girls over the weekend, that is the plan and the reason for the delay. It will be more bull shit.
That is what they are up too, it’s all they have left look at who they have on their team to bring down P.Trump.
I bet I’ve listened to you Mr. Pinko and have had no clue whatsoever.