Meet Your Debate Moderator – IOTW Report

Meet Your Debate Moderator

CNN’s Anderson Cooper BUSTED for …

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13 Comments on Meet Your Debate Moderator

  1. Trump could win the debate with two questions: “Hillary. Did you receive the questions in advance?” Next, “Fag boy, did you or your organization give team Hillary the questions in advance?” Then bring out a team of water boarders. We know he’d mess himself because he’s been reamed so many times his guts would fall out. And Hillary? She’d pogo stick all over the stage as she messed herself.

  2. Trump is up against a stacked deck. His apology means nothing to the sanctimonious in the media and all those low life, low info
    motherfuckers who never did anything worth a damn in their entire miserable lives. They (those in the wagon), outnumber us (wagon pullers) by far. The country is in deep shit.

  3. Pooper; Take a muslim refugee houseboy into your firehouse and let him be your Kato. Put some organic coconut oil on the firepole and put on your bondage s&m mask and slide down the pole until mohammed chops.your homosexual head off.

  4. No words. Between him and Martha Raddatz (another Hillary lover) I don’t know how bad it will be tomorrow night. Why oh why could that Hurricane Matthew not have washed those two out to sea?

  5. Disputable, deplorable, Anderson Cooper! His creditibility is as valid as his ethics.

    Does anyone watch any of the unethical ‘pillars’ of MSM, anymore? Judging by the effect their mudslinging at Trump has, I think not. Go away little, insignificant man.

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