Moron Tweets to Rob O’Neill “Obama killed Osama Bin Laden” The response is COMEDY GOLD – IOTW Report

Moron Tweets to Rob O’Neill “Obama killed Osama Bin Laden” The response is COMEDY GOLD

In response to Rob O’Neill’s tweet that criticized Obama’s speech “Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam…”

Moron Tweets to Rob O’Neill “He (Obama) kinda killed Osama Bin Laden, so….”

Rob O’Neill tweets back “Do you know who you’re talking to?”

See the hilarious pile on to that moron HERE. 

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9 Comments on Moron Tweets to Rob O’Neill “Obama killed Osama Bin Laden” The response is COMEDY GOLD

  1. Yeah, Obama reluctantly issued the order to go after Bin Laden but better men than he’ll ever be actually did the job.

    Besides, the rumor is that McCain was executed by a secret military/judicial group assembled by President Trump! Now that’s BIG!!!!

  2. I don’t do twits-4-tweets but I was
    reading thru the comments.One moron
    stated that “Christian terrorism” is
    worse than muzzie terrorism.What planet
    are these people living on ?


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