@Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 LIVE NOW 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST – IOTW Report

@Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 LIVE NOW 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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56 Comments on @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 LIVE NOW 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST

  1. I really like Mike N. bringing in all the stuff he’s read and listened to. I think we should have like “Random Day” on U.S. and Eh? …like you guys aren’t random enough, right? 🙂

  2. Mike N. — I’ve described the Black Caucus as the looking like the Uganda Olympic team (with all their Africana stuff).

    The D women were a mash-up of “Sister (Wives), Mother-In-Laws of Orange County.”

    Gargoyles is a great description. They looked like any group of bad apples you’ve ever seen. You’re either bringing light into the world or you’re sucking it out of it, right?

  3. Mr. P. — I don’t have the same personal relationship as you have with her, but Trump is right — there are too many like her in this country who are not part of this great idea called America.

  4. Tomorrow, the shit should hit the fan. I know we always feel that the press protects them, the progressives. Does Mr. Pinko and Mike this this is bigger than the press? I.E.: Does the mainstream press need to report on the crimes. Or will they continue to try and bury it?

  5. “We” didn’t screw up, though. Progressive elements in the Swamp did — and they were doing it on purpose. It’s not a matter of wanting to be needed, either. It’s a matter of wanting to increase their electorate in order to win elections and in order to dominate policy.

  6. On “jobs Americans won’t do”:

    We just had a great thread on this a week ago. All of us did icky jobs and it’s what gave us a work ethic and taught us personal/job skills. That’s really absent from today’s kids. Kids don’t even know how to use their bodies to perform work!

  7. I’ve worked with illegal aliens since I was 15…. 45 years ago…Those that I worked with until 1986 were grateful, just wanted to earn money and live the American dream. Wanting to become citizens. After the amnesty in 1986 they became more “deserving” and ungrateful for what this country offers….The Illegals I last worked with were fine upstanding human beings with beautiful families who I would have over for barbecues. Their wives cooked really good posole for Christmas parties., but they had one thing in common. They were thieves. If a tool was left out in the wrong spot, Poof, it’s gone. The most disturbing thing is that since the late 90’s, they don’t like gringos. They don’t want to be citizens and they don’t want to be an American….

  8. Mr. Pinko can you take your comment area and site off of Facebook, most of us do not use Facebook. I would like to leave a comment on your site, or do you want to drive the comments to iOTW?

  9. Mr. P. — The focus of the wall should be that it saves American lives. There’s this group called Hamas who have been training down in Central and South America who use our border extensively. My interest in saving lives is entirely with American lives.

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