@Mr_Pinko will be on ANDREA SHEA KING show tonight 9:00pm – IOTW Report

@Mr_Pinko will be on ANDREA SHEA KING show tonight 9:00pm

@Mr_Pinko will be on ANDREA SHEA KING show tonight 9:00pm EST with an IMPORTANT message from James O’Keefe. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/askshow


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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26 Comments on @Mr_Pinko will be on ANDREA SHEA KING show tonight 9:00pm

  1. Whether now or later, everyone must listen to this.

    We are at war, now. The masks are off now and the gloves are off. Do not look to corporate media to give you any info at all that is either true or without the purpose of getting clinton elected. The Fourth Estate has been as weaponized against us as the DOJ and the FBI.

  2. Hey, Mr. P, way to go for getting on ASK.
    We’re tuned in.
    But, I think Andrea is wishful thinking if she thinks the polls will get more accurate closer to the election.

  3. I heard Abigail Adams on the air tonight. Sexy voice Brad. Pinko has a head cold by quite witty. “When Hillary gets out of her coffin.” LMAO. I’m going back. Jets 3 Ari. 14 at the half.

  4. Called in to mention the following, but had to hang up when a centipede streaked across the kitchen. (I live in a virgin forest.)

    A few months ago Obama set the stage for a candidate to not be able to say voter/election fraud if they lose, and at the same time signaled the pollsters to not allow Trump to be up in the polls.

    He said something to the effect that if the polls show a candidate winning but they lose, then MAYBE that could suggest some irregularities, but if the polls don’t indicate that a candidate is winning, then there probably wasn’t any fraud. (paraphrased)

  5. “Tony” threw everything at me and I exposed him for the evil little snot ball LIAR that he is.
    Tried to say I was a “dumb fuck”. He was the more “educated” one. Called me a “fascist”.
    Meanwhile he calls into a radio show, misrepresents who he is (Conservative #NeverTrumper). LIED what he was for. Then finally admits he’s FOR a Liberal Supreme Court. I called him out for what he is, “Occupy”. LIBERAL DOUCHE’ BAG that has to LIE to get his ideology won.
    And I’m the “dumb one”. 😉

  6. I just listened to the replay of The Mr. Pinko
    Show and his guest Andrea Shea King ☺️ Great show.
    BTW Toe-knee sounds like a real sweetheart. I prolly ain’t got tha edjoocayshun he got but I thank I spelt that rite.

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