@Mr_Pinko would fit right in – GERMANY – IOTW Report

@Mr_Pinko would fit right in – GERMANY

German government orders media to pixelate image of Berlin Christmas Truck terror suspect. Don’t they want to catch him?

Under German privacy laws his full name and picture have not been released.

The British media release identity and photos.  SEE HERE

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23 Comments on @Mr_Pinko would fit right in – GERMANY

  1. It seems that the German police are now notorious for major screw-ups, when dealing with terrorists. The Munich massacre in the 1972 Olympics comes to mind, as well as this current snafu in Berlin.

    Is this bending over backwards deliberate?

  2. …and, because this Tunisian TERRORIST didn’t have his “Tunisian” paperwork in order, the GERMAN authorities couldn’t hold him and released him.


  3. Time for the Germans to round them all up and deport them.

    I suspect they will, because of poor optics in the past, need to help resettle the Muslims, literally, back in the home country with financial aid. In the long run, it would be cheaper than having them on the welfare rolls while they harass the locals in every way imaginable.

  4. @cowgirl – that’s what I was thinking. I could understand why he’s upset if his home planet was blown up!
    Oh wait, that was Alderan. Tatooine was the one with the harsh desert climate, filled with Jawas and Tuscan Raiders. That explains it.

  5. WRONG MftM, Tunisia rejected this guy when Germany tried earlier to send him back (he was in Germany illegally, i.e. without proper paperwork), so the Germans had to keep him…and eventually released him.

  6. @ Loretta-I was in Germany in the 70’s when the Munich thing happened and it was pretty tuff. German police everywhere ( I was in Mainz ).and they were fully dressed to kill. Checking EVERY ones I.D. didn’t matter color or age. But I agree, not so much any more these days. My own family in -Amberg, Grafling, Poppinricht won’t e-mail or talk to me any more because I have told them their government is weak and has submitted. But I’m still proud to be German no matter what they say or do. Kick azz and forget the names……

  7. An ATTACK on Humanity

    German people aren’t this dummkopf.
    It is Merkel and her ILK.
    They dragged DE into an INKLUSIVE Hole.
    Everyday Volk brow beaten into weak Leaders.
    We caused that.
    We almost fell for it too.
    But we can now proudly say MAGA.
    What you see in Germany today
    Is what “is’s” had in store for US tomorrow
    All That is Changed.
    Even More so 30 days from right NOW.

    Presidential Inauguration of Donald Trump
    Date: January 20, 2017

    Mad Dogs, Bears and Blood Hounds

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