Mystery at The Sun's south pole – IOTW Report

Mystery at The Sun's south pole

Nasa reveals huge ‘coronal hole’ on the solar surface where winds reach 500 miles per SECOND.
Go ahead, make your jokes.

17 Comments on Mystery at The Sun's south pole

  1. They actually had to persuade the principal investigator, Fiona Harrison of the Californicate Institute of Technology, to use the NuStar telescope to LOOK at this!
    What a maroon!
    The X-ray images in the article are stunning.

    @Zonga, have you been hanging out with Joey Biden?
    Whatever you do, don’t look through his telescope.

  2. Man, I hate it when that happens!
    When man first travelled to the Sun, at night as Zonga pointed out, a gigundo corneal hole opened up and looked rite at the Earth! The attending Solanauts were so terrified that they came home without collecting the magical Sun goop that would’ve stopped Global Warming. That’s why NASAL is trying to keep it all a secrit – cuz the Solanauts could’ve stopped all that Global stuff back then.

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