Obama Says He Might Go Back to Community Organizing – IOTW Report

Obama Says He Might Go Back to Community Organizing

chicago crime

“I’ll be done being president in a couple of years and I’ll still be a pretty young man,” he said. “And so I’ll go back to doing the kinds of work I was doing before, just trying to find ways to help people.” More @ Bloomberg

21 Comments on Obama Says He Might Go Back to Community Organizing

  1. “geoff the aardvark
    05/02/2015 at 9:49 am
    I think that barry is much better at community disorganizing.”

    Um Geoff, They’re both the same thing! Especially when this clown or his ilk are involved!

    Of course he wants to go back into “Comm Organ”, where else could he get paid to stir up shit, undermine society, and incite violence against Crackas and Joooos? Why do you think he’s had Rev. Tax E. Vasion up in Da W.H. so many times? Because Al’s his hero right now! Al is livin’ da dream, shaking down White folks, speechamafying, and being a radio AND tv super stars! Obama livin’ precariously thoo da adventricles and exploys of Revrun Al. That why he need details!

    “Obama, who will be 55 years old when he leaves office in 2017, said his post-presidential agenda includes … luring businesses into low-income neighborhoods. ”

    Yeah, so they can get jacked by all his Obamasons!

  2. What Bullshit. This guy hit the jackpot when he was elected President. He’s downright lazy and he’s just jerking off the press boys with this. He might get Bill Ayers to write another autobiography for him while he swans around on the lecture circuit for big bucks and ultra first class travel. I wonder if he’ll cut into Bill Clintons swag. That could be fun to watch.

  3. My condolences to the community he organizes. $20 says the community he organized in Chicago is worse today off after Barry organized them than they were before. Then look at what happened with his attempt at being a global organizer, the whole world has gone to hell.

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