Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful! VIDEO / POLL – IOTW Report

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful! VIDEO / POLL

YouTuber uploads VIDEO showing Comcast workers ignoring his pleas to STOP the ACCIDENTS!

See the VIDEO HERE and VOTE for WHO is at FAULT.

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22 Comments on Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful! VIDEO / POLL

  1. Wow! Workers can’t think outside of their normal-situation business rules? Workers can’t see the danger than they themselves are in also? Workers have no concern for safety of their own customers and reflection upon themselves or their business?

    Looks like that black pickup was going pretty fast for conditions, but nonetheless, the workers came across as asses. Unbelievable!

  2. I don’t know what state this is in, but here in Oregon, you cannot block a lane of traffic like that without having a flag man at each end. Having said that, most of the wrecks on the video could have been avoided if people would slow the phuck down. Comcast 75%, drivers 25%. Except the last one; guy in the black truck is 200% responsible.

  3. Look at the speed those folk were cresting the hill. They didn’t care too much what was on the other side. Stupid.

    Ya, comcast was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m sure they were following the rules for their state. Hell, a flagger at the top of the hill woulda been creamed.

  4. First of all, it’s the fault of the retard drivers of Indiana who feel its safe to drive the a, well, retard in shitty conditions.

    Secondly, the guy recording the video needs a parking cone shoved in his ass.

  5. There were quite a few cars that safely made it through. Why? Because they were driving safely for the road conditions. Every person who went in the ditch was responsible for, and failed to, handle their vehicle safely. 100% not Comcast fault.

  6. Why didn’t the guy call the police instead of arguing with the Comcast a**holes? They could have sorted out what was and wasn’t safe pretty quickly I would think. In the interim, after the first couple of drivers slid off the road, it should have beenobvious that it wouldn’t have happened if the Comcast truck wasn’t parked in the road. The workers completely ignored the safety issue.

  7. bunch of idiots, both car drivers and Comcast employees.

    it doesn’t matter how many cones are put out.
    those plastic cones will not physically restrain one car and keep it from hitting the work truck or other cars, other drivers and workers.

    talk about putting yourself and others in danger and not caring about it.

  8. I would not have wanted to be in a boom truck when there is a high likelihood of a car crashing into the back of my truck. That boom could swing up and put you into the high voltage. No prudence shown by all involved, you need to plan on speeding dickheads if you are working along a road.

    I operated t towing service for many years and conditions pictured above are the kind that kill people standing outside their car on a roadside. People in the cars don’t die because they aren’t going fast enough to hurt themselves. Thank God nobody was killed.

  9. Decades ago my daddy told me: When driving on wet/icy roads, there is an egg on your brake pedal, if you break the egg, you’re likely to crash.
    In todays world with 4 wheel disks, and computer controls, this video shows it’s still sage advice.
    There is enough blame to go around.

  10. I found one benefit from being to poor to fix my brakes properly a long time ago.

    It taught me to drive like I have shitty stopping ability. You hang back further in traffic. You let off the gas earlier and coast to the next stop sign or light instead of stopping at the last second.

    But if you’re addicted to flying down the road, this is going to happen.

    I lost an uncle like this. He topped a hill and ran into a large truck that was changing a flat tire.

    How he got home to Ft Worth after dying in Mexico is legend in our family.

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