O’Malley Made a Mess of Maryland – IOTW Report

O’Malley Made a Mess of Maryland

He’ll do the same to the country if he makes it to the White House.

Martin O'Malley


Taxpayers abandoned his state in droves during his tenure as governor, but that’s not dampening the presidential aspirations of Martin O’Malley. In 2014, his final year in office as governor, Maryland had the second-highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Now he wants to ride this embarrassing record to the White House.



8 Comments on O’Malley Made a Mess of Maryland

  1. Owe’Malley was for MD as Obama is for the entire planet. MD is now a seriously fucked up state with much of the revenue that was generated by the wealthier Md’ers and businesses gone. Think how bad it becomes when you host picks up and leaves.

    Still have the legislature packed full of progressives thus you simply cannot change the climate. It’s never getting better short of a revolt.

  2. O’Malley’s a crook, just like Obola and Pelosi and Reid. He will continue Obola’s corruptions, but without the moslem overtones.

    He is as corrupt as H. Clinton, though less skillful.

  3. O’Malley has had a free hand in thoroughly effing up this state at his whim, and forgets that the a lock in the state legislature will in no way be repeated in a national venue. He would not be given a pass for many reasons – least of all because he’s not black. Think DiBlasio on a national scale.

    Not known for his negotiating skills, has thoroughly effed up the economy here and has left it in a preezy writ small condition.

    I invite thim and the DNC to spend as much of their money as possible trying though. Talk about shovel-ready jobs.

  4. In May 2013, O’Mewly signed into law new gun control crap outlawing a bunch of semi-autos, prohibiting mags taking more than 10 rounds, requiring permits for handguns including finger prints and poorly-defined but expensive “training”. Even some Dems find his firearms stance unacceptable.

  5. O’Malley won’t get elected dog catcher. His record in Maryland will follow him around like a 2 bit crack whore waiting to get paid. I heard a speech from this guy after the 2012 elections. It was the most divisive, hate-filled, anti-conservative, violent speech I’ve ever heard from a Dem. It was downright scary. This vicious sociopath wouldn’t get the support from his own party to even try a real run at the nomination and no candidate in their right mind would choose him for VP. At least I hope so.

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