Call it Karma? Payback? Live by the sword, die by the sword? Anyway you want to put it, I love when the Left’s tactics are turned on them.
Football Fans Demand BY PETITION a Certain Statue Torn Down.
SEE WHO and WHY HERE – while you’re at it SIGN THE PETITION!
Looking forward to all the idiots really showing him a thing or two by taking a knee whenever they are around him.
Rayenthal should go down, he needs to hit Girls !!!
The media won’t touch it.
While we’re at it lets pressure corporate sponsors to remove Al Sharpton from the television or we boycott their products. General Mills learned the hard way so can others.
Organgrinder… I think you mean Kellogg’s. General Mills hasn’t done anything…. yet.
@Cate: Too late. They tore down General Mills’ statue last week.
I signed it.
Oh that’s pretty funny.