ON LIVE RIGHT NOW – @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3 – IOTW Report

ON LIVE RIGHT NOW – @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3


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We are LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm – 10:00pm

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52 Comments on ON LIVE RIGHT NOW – @Mr_Pinko and @MikeNordstrom3

  1. The wall pays for itself by keeping out the welfare illegal alien bastards from getting welfare. Then those that are deported or deport themselves are a bonus….

  2. Can we talk about those two lesbians killing their children. Should we as a society look more closely at the stats surrounding mental health issues associated with gay/lesbian/trans and if we are sacrificing innocents at the altar of PC? We sure tisked-tisked over the same thing happening in England and other EU countries covering rape of girls because of PC-ness regarding muslim men.

  3. Pinko, your driving analogy in the northeast (NY, NJ, CT, MA) is great. Every time time I get a zipper merge offender (forces car #2 into a zipper merger), I just say, “a liberal”. There are many other times I mutter, “a liberal”. Because it’s all about them.

  4. Also Secy Nielsen (Homeland Security) held a presser yesterday in which she enumerated the many screwy laws that permit “migrants” from gaining entry and how the cartels and others are gaming the system by “borrowing” children in order to play the sympathy card AND coaching them to say they are in “genuine fear” of returning to their own countries. Apparently, there are U.S. immigration laws that prohibit sending these people back.

  5. And my wife in the shotgun get’s all crazy! Don’t let them in! Don’t let them in! And I just say in a calm voice, “Don’t worry, it’s just a liberal”.

  6. My social security number was used by Jose Gordinez Pinion for 3 years…..Social Security knew the name didn’t match the number and just put the money taken from his wages into a “special fund”…..6 BILLION dollars were put into that special fund in 2001….could have built 7 walls since then….

  7. I mean this as a joke: Mike sounds like his adam’s apple is in his balls with that east European acctent, Mr. Pink sounds like all my Long Island relatives! 🙂

  8. The Troops are on the way, who is going to stop them? Jerry Brown.
    They are the “National Guard”. Trump can and has Nationalize them,the states have no standing.
    National first, that means Trump has the first call. The states can suck hind hind tit.
    He is the Commander in Chief , End of story.

  9. Here’s an immigrant story…My friend was conceived near Hamburg Germany after the end of WWII around 1953….His mother had to survive by eating the dead horses during the war…it was survival. She immigrated and then later brought her son over to America without papers. He ate his first pizza when he was 8 years old…..shorter story…..He was kind of an outlaw (still is) and did 2.5 years of hard time when he was 19. Nothing violent, just drug sales….

    35 years later they came to deport him. It cost a lot of money/time/effort to deport a guy that had been honest and hard working for 35 years….Hell, he can’t even speak German now…If your Mama ate dead horses to survive then I think you get some leeway….

  10. If you guys are planning on carrying in NY, I believe the process now includes a rectal probe, among all the other indignities.

    I wasn’t a Gun Guy either, until Clinton decided to start banning stuff. All of a sudden, I wanted them while I could still get them. You’re right – guns are for level headed grownups. And Bad Brad.

    Just kidding, BB!

  11. I don’t have a personal hand gun either. But I do possess an expert marksman medal on the M16. I bet I could throw a grenade pretty well, too. LOL! The only reason I don’t have a hand gun right now is because I’d want to open carry here in Seattle and someone would find a reason to mess with me and I’d shoot them.

  12. I went rifle shooting with my brother, and his girlfriend at the time. I guess we should have shown her what to do, because she took the rifle (.223, which is a significant load), and placed it on top of her shoulder like a bazooka. My brother and I both saw it at the same time, and yelled “NOOOOOOO!!!!”, and fortunately caught it in time.

  13. Funny how nobody had a problem with Trump until he beat the pants off of ‘Madame President’ and the lame-ass GOPe candidates… then overnight he became the worst POS to ever walk the earth.
    Sore Losers!

  14. The feed went down.

    Reminds me of Bugs Bunny, as Elmer J. Fudd is trying to wash himself clean of dreaded Rabbit-itis…

    Goigle Goigle Goigle –
    Why don’t ya pay your water bill, Doc?


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