One Smart Cat – IOTW Report

One Smart Cat

What Charlottesville Really Was and Why Trump Was Right To Call Out Both Sides.

My favorite part: Oprah, “You’re a Nazi, you’re a Nazi, you’re a Nazi.”

See the Smart Political Kitty Cat VIDEO HERE

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10 Comments on One Smart Cat

  1. Very good video. I’m surprised that Youtube (actually Google via Alphabet Inc) hasn’t banned her for being logical and realistic about Soros having his finger in all these extreme left groups.

  2. June 22, 1941. That’s the date the Left started calling fascism right-wing. Before that date, the Left thought the statism of fascism was great! Much of FDR’s policies were straight out of Mussolini’s playbook. The Left lobbied hard for isolationism before that date.

    After Hitler betrayed Stalin on that date, the Left started lobbying for US involvement in WWII, and started (mis)labeling fascism and Nazism as right-wing.

    By the way, Hitler and the Nazis were not white supremacists; they were Nordic supremacists. They thought the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe (Poles, Czechs, Serbs, Croats, etc.) were almost as subhuman as Jews. Hitler just signed a nonaggression pact with Stalin to get German-occupied Poland. Many of the peoples white supremacists consider white were slated for extermination, right after the Jews.

  3. TO Major Blunder

    Like it says in the vid, there *were* some actual American Nazis, KKKers and possibly even some non-violent Leftists who were duped into becoming the violent useful idiots there
    (in addition to the paid plants on BOTH sides, not even considering possible undercover governmental activity).

  4. Yes Virginia there are weirdos of both persuasions out there – those who want to destroy anything different and those who demand everything different.

    Most of us are somewhere in the middle embracing life, liberty, and pursuit of good BBQ.

    Wake up and smell that President Trump is in the middle of a swamp that needs to be drained and people cast out of authority. Give him the support he needs to do so.

  5. As with our government Monoparty, there is only one movement, pretending to fight amongst themselves. It is ALL demonic theater distracting you from things like the DWS investigation.

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