Pamela Geller Report: New Yorkers believe ISIS in U.S. is Fake News – IOTW Report

Pamela Geller Report: New Yorkers believe ISIS in U.S. is Fake News

Pamela Geller explained:

“We sent AFDI reporter Laura Loomer to one of the jihadists’ prime targets — Grand Central Station – and found the people there remarkably unconcerned about jihad terror. Ironically, people feel more threatened by Russia, which has not attacked us, than by the jihadists, who have repeatedly attacked us, and are openly plotting to do it again.” SEE THE VIDEO HERE

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11 Comments on Pamela Geller Report: New Yorkers believe ISIS in U.S. is Fake News

  1. I made it though the weapons grade stupid(I know less then 2 minutes) until the crunt says, “…their economy is going to flourish…” Yeah, from the increase in Christmas Booth repairs and the uptick in ICUs. Fucking asshole biotch.


    62 Million maroons like this voted for Hillary and had 4 million of them not been concentrated in CA, we’d be looking at PE Clinton.

  2. Guess it’ll take a Charlie Hebdo-style attack on the New York Times to knock some sense into ’em.

    Trust me. I am not wishing that upon them. They’re inviting it all on their own.

  3. Puts me in mind of flipping channels the morning of 9-11. Bryant Dumball was hosting Today then. The idiot was still in denial, arguing with the “former” FBI whoever that said it was obviously an attack…. even as the 2nd plane hit the WTC.

  4. “Guess it’ll take a Charlie Hebdo-style attack on the New York Times to knock some sense into ’em.” – Jerry Mandarin

    Unfortunately, that won’t pierce the saran wrap of stupid they’ve wrapped themselves in. Has it worked in Paris yet? Hamburg?

    The facilitators – the ones knowingly importing these vermin – are surrounded by armed security. Their minions, who’ve been brainwashed to sing kumbayah while having their heads sawed off, are convinced they just have to be nicer to the peaceful jihadis.

    If there were some foolproof outer stigma so the regressives could be instantly identified, I might even let them have their wish of being decapitated before the good guys kill the jihadi, but there isn’t so I want our enforcement guys ready in an instant.

    I think making enforcement slow to react to jihadis is part of the reason for the anti-LEO movement of the left, to make us more vulnerable.

  5. Well cut my legs off and call me Shorty! I had no idea that was a fake truck that plowed into a
    fake Christmas market and killed 12 fake people, and injured 49 other fake people!

    To quote Dorothy Parker…. “you can lead a horticulture but you can’t make her think”.

  6. If Fort Hood, Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando, NY, Columbus, etc doesn’t convince them. Nothing short of being blow up themselves, run over, stabbed or shot and surviving will. And even that isn’t a sure thing. Heads harder than diamond.

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