Piers Morgan DEFENDS Trump, ATTACKS Liberal Media! – IOTW Report

Piers Morgan DEFENDS Trump, ATTACKS Liberal Media!

OMG Piers Morgan Moment of Clarity or Got Hit in the Head?

Piers Morgan appeared on Tucker Carlson tonight and criticized CNN, the Liberal Media and defended Donald Trump on Immigration, criticism of the media and the Left’s immature reaction to losing the election. Morgan has gone to the point of stating the Left / Media are trying to take down Trump PLUS MUCH MORE.
See the SHOCKING and REFRESHING Interview HERE. You’ll think you’re living in Superman’s Bizarro World on “htraE”.

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12 Comments on Piers Morgan DEFENDS Trump, ATTACKS Liberal Media!

  1. Exactly! Don’t fall for it. He is simply trying to build up his destroyed credibility so that when he eventually turns on Trump he can point back and say: “See, I was totally fair and balanced!”.
    Gee Wally, whadya want for someone who was named after his mother’s favorite hang-out…

  2. Actually he’s been pro Trump for a long time.

    Unlike Beck, Shaprio, Krystall etc. He may be one who see’s the idiocy of his past and is a true convert. This election has done it to more than a few on the left.

  3. Somebody finally correctly Piers’ antipsychotic medicine dosage. He should be getting the right amount of Haldol now, hence the lucidity. Thorazine apparently didn’t have any effect in the past. ;^)
    BTW – I love that look on Tucker’s face! Sort of a “Holy shit, he’s FINALLY making sense!!” look!

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