PolitOpinion POLL: Which Debate Moderator Behaved Ethically? – IOTW Report

PolitOpinion POLL: Which Debate Moderator Behaved Ethically?

Which Debate Moderator Behaved Ethically? Click through to take the POLL

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13 Comments on PolitOpinion POLL: Which Debate Moderator Behaved Ethically?

  1. Cooper actually pressed Hillary a few times but Radditz is a whore through & through.

    Chris Wallace is just as bad. What the hell is wrong with Rinse My Penis and the rest of these clowns? Shirley they could have insisted on a David Michael Lynch type? I’d even take Levin in this setting. It’s as bad as being Wily Coyote and getting the fucking edge of the cliff landing on you every time.

    What is it gonna take?

  2. both were bad, unethical, one-sided, corrupt and in the tank for Clunton. But Whatsisname was less so than that turkey-wattled SeaHag named Radditz.

  3. Everyone is attacking Raddatz and Cooper, but I have to say I think they were the very first moderators EVER to take some of Hillary’s quotes and written correspondence verbatim to ask her drilling pointed questions. I don’t believe that has happened before. And it caught her off guard. I don’t think these moderators were as horrible as everyone is saying.

  4. Examples of kind of tough questions for Clinton:
    4. And Secretary Clinton, I do want to follow up on emails. You said your handling of your emails was a mistake. You disagreed with the director—FBI director James Comey—calling your handling of classified information quote “extremely careless.” The FBI said that there are 110 classified e-mails that were exchanged, eight of which were top-secret and that a possible hostile actors did gain access to those e-mails. You don’t call that extremely careless?
    2. Secretary Clinton, let me follow up with you. Your husband called Obamacare “the craziest thing in the world,” saying that small-business owners are getting killed as premiums double, coverage is cut in half. Was he mistaken or was his mistake simply telling the truth?
    3. Secretary Clinton, let me ask you about that. Because you have asked for an increase from [accepting] 10,000 to 65,000 Syrian refugees. We know you want tougher vetting. That’s not a perfect system, so why take the risk of having those refugees coming into the country?
    1. This question involves Wikileaks’ release of reported excerpts of Secretary Clinton’s paid speeches, which she has refused to release, and one line in particular in which you, Secretary Clinton, reportedly say you need both a public and private position on certain issues. So Tiu from Virginia asks, “Is okay for politicians to be two-faced? Is it acceptable for a politician to have a private stance on issues?”

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