Rural Hospitals Struggle to Stay Open, Adapt to Changes – IOTW Report

Rural Hospitals Struggle to Stay Open, Adapt to Changes

ABC News:

After 45 years of providing health care in rural western Missouri, Sac-Osage Hospital is being sold piece by piece.

Ceiling tiles are going for 25 cents, the room doors for an average of less than $4 each, the patient beds for $250 apiece. Soon, the remnants of the hospital that long symbolized the lifeblood of Osceola, population 923, will be torn to the ground.

Sac-Osage is one of a growing number of rural U.S. hospitals closing their doors, citing a complex combination of changing demographics, medical practices, management decisions and federal policies that have put more financial pressure on facilities that sometimes average only a few in-patients a day.



10 Comments on Rural Hospitals Struggle to Stay Open, Adapt to Changes

  1. Gummint money for sex changes for convicted criminals, but none for ordinary rural folks. Why? Well the sex change is a Constitutional “right” and the other is… collateral damage in the Culture War.

  2. Now who saw this coming? Dipshit libiots equating insurance with healthcare. Well, those fuckstains really have made a mess of healthcare and by virtue of their attempt to fix somthing that was not broken. Moron fuckstains. Sorry for the language – it just frustrates me to no end the collosal waste those fuckstains foisted on everyone. I hope the death panels start ruling on liberal stupidity and see how those fuckstains fare.

  3. This was their intent all along. Crash the system in order to make government run health care the only option. No matter if people die in the meantime, its for the “greater good”

  4. My father lives in a small town of about 4,000 people. The local hospital (60 some odd beds) is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy due to bad debt. Too many illegals (that must be treated by law) and too many medicaid patients whose reimbursement rates are only about 50% of medicare reimbursements (and medicare doesn’t come close to covering most medical costs) have resulted in a couple of million dollars of bad debt in the last few years. There simply aren’t enough patients with good insurance that pays full cost to make up for the shortfall.

    I’ve read articles stating that the closure of rural hospitals is an intended “feature” of obamacare. The federal rules and reimbursement schemes make it practically impossible for small hospitals to cover their costs. If this small, local hospital closes, the closest hospital will be about 35 miles away (about a 40 minute drive even in an ambulance). Not much of a selling point for a small town that is already dying a slow death for many reasons including excessive regulations on local industries.

    It sure seems to line up with the goals of Agenda 21.

  5. Look no further than the SF Bay Area….Doctors Medical Center in San Pablo closed its doors April 24. Alta Bates in Berkeley has announced it won’t stay past 2030. And for the coup de grace…Daughters of Charity, in California since 1852, was denied the right to sell 6 of t’s Hospitals by the State AG, Camela Harris. Now they are set to close. They have to sell due to State mandated seismic upgrades that they can’t afford and the miserable economics of Obamacare. I don’t know the exact bed count loss, but I would guess at least a 1,000. England here we come.

  6. The bullshit from the left will continue to erode the sensibility of common sense as long as those with common sense allow it to happen.
    Phuck the left and their asinine lack of common sense.

  7. The Hope & Change many saw coming.

    If a liberal acts shocked (yes, shocked!) at any of this, you have the right to bust out their teeth.

    We’re only seeing this now because obozocare was front loaded and the WORST of it is still being deferred. Imagine how bad it will get !

  8. They’re a bunch of pussies. They should have stayed open until the feds forcefully shut them down. Arresting doctors and nurses would have made front page news. This is what you get when people blindly obey unjust laws.

2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Record Number Of Hospitals Close: ABC News Article Never Even Prints The Words “Affordable Care Act” – Conservative Hideout 2.0
  2. Record Number Of Hospitals Close: ABC News Article Never Blames The “Affordable Care Act” – Conservative Hideout 2.0

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