Russia Back Channel – IOTW Report

Russia Back Channel

Fox News Harris Faulkner BLOWS UP the WHOLE Russia Collusion Theory with ONE SMART QUESTION that the media will ignore.

On Sunday, Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner asked the perfect question to those who believe both, that there was collusion and that Jared Kushner had or reached out for a secret back channel with Russia after the election.

What do you think the QUESTION is?


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11 Comments on Russia Back Channel

  1. Exactly. These so called experts beat the party line crap so hard they lose all common sense. Harris Faulkner should have taken over Megan Kelly’s spot. She’s always been very impressive.

  2. The leftist media is upset with Kushner’s back channel effort because it would bypass the ever leaky intel network that they’ve grown to rely on for anti-Trump stories.

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