Russia to Cut Vodka Prices – IOTW Report

Russia to Cut Vodka Prices


Russia will make vodka cheaper next year after a campaign to fight alcoholism through higher prices drove some consumers to switch to bootleg spirits. Read the rest at Bloomberg

11 Comments on Russia to Cut Vodka Prices

  1. Marijuana, yes sir, the West Coast is ready and willing…Now let’s move to the East Coast and DemocRATS have the
    Conservatives surrounded….Sorry, got out of topic, hard night, do Cuba distill Rum? Vodka is crap compared to a good Rum. Did I mention I like Rum? OK, hangover is hard!
    As soon as Cuba gets rid of the Fidel Bros. I’m going to visit and probably move there! The Peal of the Caribbean….

  2. Is that the before or after picture of that girl after you’ve had too much to drink? My guess is it’s the after. One of the funniest Russian drunk stories I ever heard was about the drunken Russian guy who had to pee and it was in subzero temperatures and he peed on a metal shed and got his wanger stuck. I think Paul Harvey told that one except for the wanger part.

  3. They need the vodka to live in that depressing place. About twenty years ago I hosted a going away party for a Russian band that had just completed a tour of Canada and the U.S. That same night they divided their earnings. The three men each had a wife or “significant other” back in Moscow so they each got two shares. The only woman in the band (who was single) got one share. The woman then proceeded to get really drunk and puked on my bathroom floor. The next day before they were taken to the airport I was to escort them around town. You’ll never guess where they wanted to go – – thrift stores! We went to every major thrift store in town where they loaded up on warm clothing either for their themselves, their families, or to sell for profit. On our way back to my place we bought a feast at Burger King and they thought that was Heaven. The woman was in a state of depression the entire day and barely spoke a word. Later I learned she had quit the band that day. I had not known about the communistic division of their money. If I had I would have scolded the men and tried to reverse it. A month later I received a letter from Moscow. It was from the woman and she was hinting of a romantic relationship. I might have been interested had I not suspected her of alcoholism which is rampant in Russia.

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