Secret Service Stops Laura Loomer from Hillary Book Signing. – IOTW Report

Secret Service Stops Laura Loomer from Hillary Book Signing.

Hillary Clinton Hides Behind GIANT Toilet Paper Wall For Public Appearance.

Hillary book signings are now entering the realm of bizarre. Over the weekend at a CT COSTCO Hillary Clinton was signing books behind a giant toilet paper wall to keep from being heckled by customers.

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13 Comments on Secret Service Stops Laura Loomer from Hillary Book Signing.

  1. Costco is usually last stop, not the first, for a book on its journey through the sales cycle. Soon, they’ll be airdropping pallets of the idiot’s book on African villages. The cooking fires will burn brightly for weeks.

  2. OMG, LMFAO. Hillary Clinton reduced to groveling for book sales and doing book-signings at a fucking COSTCO? I’m laughing so hard I’m wiping tears from my eyes. Oww, my sides are hurting me…

    Next thing you know, she’ll be caught panhandling at Times Square.

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