Set your alarms – TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – Special Guest Robert Spencer – IOTW Report

Set your alarms – TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – Special Guest Robert Spencer

Set your alarms – TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – Special Guest Robert Spencer on the U.S. & Eh?! Blogtalk Radio Show.
TONIGHT on the U.S. & Eh?! Show 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST


Call in # (323) 870-3371

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13 Comments on Set your alarms – TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – Special Guest Robert Spencer

  1. No way, huge fan of Jihad Watch and FrontPage.

    Ask him about Keith Ellison as well as the fact that Laura Loomer got kicked off of Facebook for asking why the Somali women running up in MN married her brother.

    Also, the way the MSM avoided mentioning Islam when covering the NM training camp for kids to shoot up schools.

    How long does Sweden have before they collapse? What about the UK?

    Is France done for since the got rid of the age of consent?

  2. Reading his new book and I have derailed myself already after 1 and a half pages, which describes Saudi Arabia at the time that Mo enters the scene, declaring himself a prophet of allah, the one god, to the consternation and dismissal of his own tribe.

    Mo asserts that his tribe was not properly observing the holy month. Was this equivalent of Ramadan and was it already in existence or did he invent it?

    The building built by Abraham and son Esau that surrounds the black meteor, this was a holy site for whom?

    I know the thrust of the book is Islam going forward, but I’m curious about the scene when Mo showed up.

    Robert, you and I have hung out a bit together at CPAC with Bryan Preston, from back in the old Hot Air days.

    If you would rather discuss off line you can get my email from BP or through BFH here.

  3. Keith Ellison says his ex-girlfriend is lying. Did her son ever publish the video he said he had to prove he beat his mom?

    How can we fight them infiltrating our political process?

  4. Well Pinko and Mike looks like you have a full plate of yummy stuff tonight:
    The great Robert Spencer
    Happy Birthday Sarah.
    The firing of Pecker Strzok and lying “low life,” Omorosa.
    And for dessert, CNN’s fake plant in a panel of Trumpers.
    Looking forward to your show.
    Let me check to see if I have enough adult beverages to last the night!

  5. sotomoyer wrote language that pertains to abortion for obamacare while she worked in the White House. She didn’t recuse, and voted for obamacare, later when she was on the Supreme Court.


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