Stuff Bush Didn't Do – IOTW Report

Stuff Bush Didn't Do


Bush and Barney

He’s never eaten his or anyone else’s dog, for one thing.
Feel free to add your thoughts.

29 Comments on Stuff Bush Didn't Do

  1. He didn’t shrink the Federal Leviathan.
    He didn’t reduce the Budget Deficit.
    He didn’t curtail the EPA.
    He didn’t repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments.
    He didn’t demand worship.
    He didn’t suck dicks.
    He didn’t smoke dope.
    He didn’t practice marxism.
    He didn’t practice izlam.

  2. @unruly-

    Your first comment pretty much sums it up.

    It’s really easy to get caught up in documenting EVERY traitorous and treasonous and impeachable thing that 0bama has done since in office –

    But when you classify it as “finding new ways to shit on America every day” that’s basically it right there.

  3. Bush didn’t belong to a “gentleman’s club” (gay bath house) with his ballet dancing future chief of “staff”.

    Bush didn’t have a body man.

    Bush didn’t hang out with a commie pederast as a child

    Bush didn’t have a high school kid with a pirated copy of photoshop crank out an obviously fake birth certificate in 20 mins one day after school

    Bush didn’t lower the nation’s credit rating

    Bush didn’t entertain jihadis in the white house

    Bush didn’t throw Israel under the bus at every opportunity

    Bush didn’t spend a trillion dollars on “shovel ready” jobs that (tee hee hee) weren’t actually there.

    Bush didn’t invite the poor and diseased riff raff and all the gangs from Central America to come here illegally and bring their filth with them

    Bush didn’t politicize ebola

  4. Bush didn’t bow. Bush didn’t apologize to tin pot dictators, or play kissy face with our enemies. Bush didn’t have Communist father or employ avowed Communists. Bush didn’t have a token, photo-op dog that was otherwise ignored by it’s ostensible owners. Bush didn’t throw out first pitches like a neutered, pansy-ass, emasculated weenie.

  5. Bush did not ignore security briefings.
    Bush didn’t whine like a little girl when he didn’t get his way.
    Bush didn’t blame Americans for his own shortcomings.
    Bush never bowed to anyone with his ass in the face of Americans.
    Bush never showed disrespect for our military.

  6. well, he
    didnt hire Mrs. Clinton.
    didnt use the IRS to audit his dislikers
    didnt govern as a conservative
    didnt build a border fence
    didnt use AF1 as his personal dog delivery service
    didnt let Mrs. Bush fly seperately
    didnt piss me off as much as bury obomba does

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