Take ONE GUESS where a Waitress puts a Hot Dog – VIDEO NSFW – IOTW Report

Take ONE GUESS where a Waitress puts a Hot Dog – VIDEO NSFW

We’ve all heard the gross food service stories. Some of us saw the movie WAITING. But this

takes the cake. CAUGHT on camera.


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46 Comments on Take ONE GUESS where a Waitress puts a Hot Dog – VIDEO NSFW

  1. I did a Google search and came up with this. Apparently the incident took place in June 2017. Here’s some information from an article that answered all MY questions: “According to Nevada County Scooper, Nora Bryan was a server at The Dime Cafe in Modesto CA. She serving a rude customer by the name of Jeff Torres and things quickly got out of hand. Another customer reported that Torres, 48, ‘was really rude to her,’. ‘He was rude to everyone. He kept complaining about how slow the service was, and he kept calling Nora ‘Babe.’ He was also making some rude comments about her appearance, saying something like ‘I bet you were something before electricity’ and stuff like that. I can’t say I blamed her for what she did.’ That’s when Bryan took matters into her own hands, using her vagina as a weapon. It was not long before Mr. Torres noticed something different about his lunch. ‘He stated it had a wang to it and started yelling for the manager’. Unfortunately, Davis McCalister the Dime Cafe manager, the dish washer, and line cook did not know of Bryan’s actions and tasted Torres’ lunch for themselves. It was not discovered until later on that week what Bryan had done, prompting her immediate firing.
    The Dime Cafe denies leaking the video which quickly started circulating on Live Leak.”

  2. Who orders a hotdog at a restaurant (sure, at a hotdog stand like Sabrett)? Like one can’t make a perfectly good dog at home? The guy shoulda ordered the ossa buco; like to see her dip that…

    …and who the fuck puts ketchup on a hotdog?

  3. Never ever be rude to your waiter/waitress……(includes the drive through person)….

    If you step over that line….get up and leave immediately….

    don’t eat anything they bring you.

  4. True story: I worked at a diner. A bitch of a customer was so mean she had the waitress in tears. The cook “creamed” her mashed potatoes. We all gagged in the kitchen watching her eat them

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