The Biggest Bulls**t Story Ever Told! (@Mr_Pinko VIDEO) – IOTW Report

The Biggest Bulls**t Story Ever Told! (@Mr_Pinko VIDEO)

(@Mr_Pinko VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton’s GREATEST WAR DOCUMENTARY starring Brian Williams / Hosted by Oliver North @Mr_Pinko VIDEO
Hillary Clinton and Brian Williams both embellished and lied about their participation with the military. @Mr_Pinko combines the LIES Hillary Clinton made up about Bosnia with bullshot artist Brian Williams in this epic MOCKUMENTARY.


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7 Comments on The Biggest Bulls**t Story Ever Told! (@Mr_Pinko VIDEO)

  1. The March 1996 visit to Tuzla, Bosnia was a lie! The Area of Responsibility was under command of a Col. David Hunt of the United States Army. He was in charge of the Brigade that was covering the area and providing protection to Mrs. Clinton. He is a regular guest on Fox News as a Military Analyst and a guest on The Howie Carr show on AM 680 WRKO in Boston.

    Any time someone challenges you on this item in a discussion, bring up this little factoid. Just thought I would help you on this.

  2. Over at You Tube a big yellow banner appears under the video:
    This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.
    ?? What the fuq does that even mean?


  3. @Ten Ten – Danm right.

    Now let’s win the election. If Clinto wins , she appoints the next several Supreme COurt justices. The new Court, packed by Clinton and Obama, will uphold various laws,law dismembering the Second Amendment. Rubber stamp, more or less.
    Following that, the First Amendment will be defined for us. By the CLinto-Obama court.

    If we want IOTWReport to exist, Trump needs to win.

    SCOTUS is the most important issue in this election; the Second Amendment is the lynch pin to freedom.

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