The VIDEO Climate Change Proponents IGNORE at ALL COSTS! – IOTW Report

The VIDEO Climate Change Proponents IGNORE at ALL COSTS!

Weather Channel Founder and SCIENTIST, John Coleman, destroys CNN’s climate change narrative. A must see VIDEO!

Weather Channel FOUNDER & Scientist gives George Costanza of CNN a GLOBAL BEAT DOWN!


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9 Comments on The VIDEO Climate Change Proponents IGNORE at ALL COSTS!

  1. Coleman’s a beloved Meteorologist in San Diego. He was the Only Foresast I trusted more than my own ! and Nobody Dared Challenge John on Climate.
    Fox needs Him Badly ! They Should keep him on call as their Global Climate Go To.

  2. Haven’t I seen some of the hosta on TWC giving their climate change/green agenda? Sure thought so. Hats why I stopped watching them.

    That and the fact that we when we turn them on looking for weather forecasts, we got only travel shows or tornado chasers.

  3. I distinctly remember enjoying watching John Coleman on channel 7, I believe it was, in the Chicagoland area in the early seventies. I was well under age 10 so that tells you what a cool guy he is to stick in my memory like that.

  4. Climateers here need to check in with Joe Bastardi @ Weatherbell if you’ve not already done so. Joe is a PhD meteorologist who does not buy the CO2-drives-the-entire-climate-system antiscience bunk. He gives a great 3-4 minute daily overview for free @ Cavuto has interviewed him a few times. Joe is an honest-to-goodness throwback climate scientist who calls ’em as he sees ’em and with some science bona fides to back it up.

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