The WORST Christmas Songs? – IOTW Report

The WORST Christmas Songs?

I Farted On Santa’s Lap (Now Christmas Is Gonna Stink For Me) – The Little Stinkers

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40 Comments on The WORST Christmas Songs?

  1. I also love Baby it’s cold outside. And when I heard a feminazi equate that song to something like a date rape in progress, I loved it even more just for spite. Come on, it’s a cute song, STFU.

  2. I worked at Montgomery Wards department store for several years in college and grad school. I had to listen to this awful tape about 45 minutes long looping through all the various Christmas songs.

    I hate Christmas music – all of it.

  3. Cardigan — First off, O Holy Night may be the best Christmas song ever, so I suppose even Mariah could make it sound good.
    But that aside, another REALLY good female version of O Holy Night was done about a decade ago by that Alaskan pop/folk singer Jewel:

    That one that is on my Christmas playlist. Also The Carpenters’ version. Also like Celine Dion’s.

    And I just found this while poking around on the interwebs:

  4. On topic — Mork (Simply Having song) and Jerry (Grandma song) both place me in a crappy mood. Both are “change the station” awful! Completely agree with both of you in that order.

  5. I have to be clear, McCartney’s “Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time” literally makes me want to bash my head upon stone… Or upon cheese.
    Forget that. It doesn’t matter. The point is, the song makes me crazy.

  6. @Cardigan and @Meerkat Brzezinski, Mariah Carey’s O Holy Night is pretty impressive, if you don’t mind stylized Christmas carols. I enjoy pretty much her whole Christmas album. But if you want to hear a beautiful, traditional performance of O Holy Night, I recommend this version by Tennessee Ernie Ford and Gordon McRae. The production values are old (1958), but the voices were GOLDEN.

  7. Of course, the reaction to this post begs for a counter post – BEST Christmas songs. I’m sure the brains behind this operation are way ahead of me, though…

  8. I hope this doesn’t offend anybody, because she really is a good woman, but Cristy Lane’s Christmas songs, after about 10 minutes or so, are like bamboo under my fingernails. Again, she is a great supporter of our troops and all, but there is just something about her sound that makes my body treat it like a foreign object. Even her commercials on tv, I have to mute the sound. Maybe it’s just me.

  9. @ Golly G- Many thanks for the Ernie Ford/Gordon MacRae clip.

    Except for the damn Chipmunks, I don’t really dislike any Christmas music.
    Of course, I haven’t worked in a location that played it overhead constantly since bagging groceries at Publix in 1964.

    I have my favorites, too, and I’ll wait for that post to come up. Yes, Mariah Carey is on the list.

  10. @corona I 2nd your nomination. I detest Feliz navidad. there is a line in it ” I want to wish you a merry Christmas” I scream back at him ” then do it and shut up” for some reason that song is just plain irritating to my ears. My favs ? way too many to list.
    But believe it or not, The Little Drummer Boy ranks up there.

  11. One of the Missus favorite things is a clock that plays a carol at the top of the hour. We have Christmas 24/7365 at our house. At least it mutes itself when it gets dark. Oh well – sometimes I find myself humming along…..

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