This didn’t age well – McCain: “Provide wiretap evidence or retract” – IOTW Report

This didn’t age well – McCain: “Provide wiretap evidence or retract”

CNN – Published on Mar 12, 2017
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that President Trump should provide evidence for his unsubstantiated claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower or retract the accusation.

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22 Comments on This didn’t age well – McCain: “Provide wiretap evidence or retract”

  1. McShitstain is well past his shelf life date…….and he can’t hide behind brain cancer to excuse his nasty disposition and persona–unless he’s claiming he’s had the cancer since the seventies.
    The patriotic thing for him to do would be to go room temperature, but I’ve never confused him being with a patriot.

  2. Amazing the gall this guy has.

    When he was running for POTUS in 2008 he couldn’t say one bad thing about Obama, much less be bothered to send a dossier to the FBI mentioning Barry’s lack of a legit USA birth certificate, connections with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, connections with domestic terrorist Louis Farrakhan, connections with foreign terrorists Muslim Brotherhood through his brother no less, his time spent in Afghanistan in 1980 when it was off limits to US citizens, his Muslim schooling and upbringing in Indonesia…etc.

    But Trump runs as a Republican, and it’s call up the FBI and tell them Trump went to Moscow once and knows some Russians.

    Good Riddance Juan.

  3. It is clear the RINO (a.k.a, zombie Demoncrat) McCain has been aiding and abetting the Demoncrat party and their deep state bureaucrats and sycophant fake news media to try and impeach President Trump. The only place is a hero is in his stupid mind. Everywhere else McCain is the worst political traitor this nation has ever had.

  4. Treason you could cut with a knife, wonder how much this murderous clown got from the Klinton Foundation and Soros for his thankfully last reelection bid.

  5. We all know its the McCain brain that went bad, so sad but there is proof of wiretapping may not be physical wires but wireless tapping these days. admitted by Clapper it was only benign info gathering, REALLY, ITS CALLED SPYING WITH OR WITHOUT WIRES.

  6. FBI/DOJ are stone walling on doc release due to criminal intent of FBI actions they don’t want our for public view, if they did nothing wrong docs would come flying out not delayed by years, pending on how to scrub[redact] spin the info.

  7. You’d think the 1/20/17 NYT article “Wiretapped Data Used In Inquiry Of Trump Aids” should be enough evidence for McCain. It’s coming from the progressive MSM that supports Obama. But apparently news reports, when it’s Congress that’s responsible to provide oversight of the executive branch administration, is McCain’s excuse. I guess he figured no one in Congress wanted to know the truth. It appears most in Congress would prefer the truth be hidden, except for a a minority of the GOP.

  8. Nothing about McCain ages well. His declaration that the Iraq war was a mistake based on Hussein having WMD is also wrong and false. Hussein was judged to be a threat regardless of whether or not he had WMD. The media characterized that wrongly since all the west’s major intelligence agencies (German, French, British, Israeli and American) had determined Saddam did indeed have WMD, which is what Saddam himself wanted everyone to believe. How Ironic.

    The facts that led to the judgment were that he controlled vast resources from oil and the 4th largest army in the world and a record of making historic blunders and misjudgments. He was dangerous, erratic and out of control. The risk simply could not be assumed after 911.

    McCain was an unworthy fool then and remains so today. To paraphrase the poet, nothing in life shall become him so much as the leaving of it.

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