TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – A Very Special U.S. & Eh?! BlogTalk Radio Show – September 11th, 2018 – IOTW Report

TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – A Very Special U.S. & Eh?! BlogTalk Radio Show – September 11th, 2018

A Very Special Show Tonight – U.S. & Eh!? Talk Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko September 11th, 2018 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST

CALL in # (323) 870-3371 LISTEN TO THE SHOW HERE


* Where were you on 9-11?

* Hurricane Florence

* Hillary seizure

* Benghazi “conspiracy”

* Scarborough: Trump A ‘Far Graver Threat to the Idea of America’ Than Attack on Twin Towers

* U.S & Eh?! Schedule Announcements

* Remembering Stephen Gordon Project Veritas

* Plus YOUR CALLS! (323) 870-3371 – Press 1 to speak to the hosts.

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31 Comments on TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – A Very Special U.S. & Eh?! BlogTalk Radio Show – September 11th, 2018

  1. 9-11, Just leaving home for work. Roommate yelled up from her bedroom to turn on the TV. We sat in front of the TV waiting for someone to put out the fires and save everyone.

    I still get teary eyed remembering it.

  2. At the time of 9/11/2001 I was working for Merrill Lynch in the World Financial Center. And we were partnering with Cantor Fitzgerald at the time for some on-line trading apps that I was developing. Lost one family man that I knew personally. He ha two kids and a wife. He is someone that I had many meetings and beers with. He was a good guy: Patrick Murphy. RIP.

  3. Regarding 9/11/2001
    I had landed that morning in Dublin Ireland, having flown overnight from Atlanta.
    I have a large “September 11, 2001” stamped in my (now expired) passport.
    I went to the job site in Galway, Ireland and then to lunch.
    I got a call from my brother asking where I was.
    He then told me to turn on the TV.
    The second plane had just hit.
    I went to a crowded pub and watched the day unfold from across the pond.

    Many people in my company got stuck out of town.
    A friend was stuck in Hawaii.

    What struck me was the sadness.
    I really wanted to be with loved ones that day.

  4. 9/11. 6:00 turned on the TV could not believe what I was seeing,had to wait for AA to come downstairs for coffee and then get our 5 year old daughter up and take her to school, would not let her see the TV. Sad day and it changed all of our lives,and not in a good way.
    Stayed home from work and was transfixed all day watching, the the next week was surreal no air traffic except F16’s in the air over Seattle, that was a great comfort.

  5. Ask Abigail what she thinks about Google working for Hillary’s victory since she worked hi-tech up in Seattle.

    Tucker Carlson broke the story during his show on Monday night. The show obtained an email from Eliana Murillo, a senior Google employee, stating that she used company resources to increase voter turnout in an attempt to help the Clinton campaign. The email allegedly stated that she used their power to make sure millions of people saw specific and pertinent hashtags and posts.

  6. Loco, I’m with you on the truthers, however the more time goes by the more I realize I plain don’t know. How does one explain building 7 falling straight down in a heap? I hope I live long enough to learn what really happened.

  7. Can I call in next week with points on how to help us win in November. What I mean by this is: How can everyone at iOTW help us get that extra 100 votes in their precinct,there are ways we can help with out much effort. We just have to put in the time.

  8. Hey guys and gals, if you haven’t had a chance today, listen to POTUS Trump’s 9/11 memorial speech. Truly soulful and a deep breath of fresh air after oblowme’s “Day of Service” crap for the past several years. Trump put the emphasis where it belongs.

  9. Joe6,

    White House 9/11 destruction conspiracy planning meeting:

    GW Bush: “Taking down the Twin Towers will piss off a lot of people, but if we also drop Building 7, then we can implement our devious plans.”

    Dick Cheney: “Wait, why implode a building that 99.99999999999% of the American people are unaware even exists?”

    Bush: “What’s your point Dick?”

  10. Seriously Joe6, building 7 was allowed to burn for more than eight hours.
    It had two 110 story buildings crash down around it.
    It was struck with debris all morning.
    It was built in the same manner as the towers.
    A rectangular shape that allowed for failure.

    Popular Mechanics ran a good issue on debunking the nutjobs many years ago.

  11. Loco, I agree. But I don’t see an internal fire. Believe me, I do not want to think there was a grand conspiracy. It’s not my nature, ha, ha. Really, I don’t see how it comes down like that. I’m just saying I don’t know. I’m thinking the truth is ugly as hell!

  12. Joe6, ask the people who evacuated if it was on fire.
    It’s been well documented that the firemen evacuated the building and let it burn…ALL DAY.

    Of course flaming Rolls-Royce engines from a 767 crashing through the roof is pretty detrimental to a structure.

    You need to quit watching CNN.
    You are starting to worry me.

  13. Loco, CNN? C’mon, give me some credit. Not even CNN is going there. I’m thinking we do not have the whole story, and we may never have the whole story. As far as any aspect of the story goes, except for muzzles flying planes into buildings, I’m not sure of anything.

  14. JoeCapricorn1,
    “I’m thinking we do not have the whole story, and we may never have the whole story.”
    WUT? You must be trolling me.

    I am comfortable that I know the whole story and have no doubts whatsoever.

    There is no hidden, secret conspiracy or anything else.
    At 5:20 PM on 9/11/2001 WTC 7 came down after burning for more than eight hours.
    It wasn’t imploded, neither were the Twin Towers.


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