TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 LIVE on the U.S. & Eh?! Show – IOTW Report

TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 LIVE on the U.S. & Eh?! Show

TUNE IN TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – The U.S. & Eh!? Show

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Political Talk Show. Conservative, On the Right, Pro-Trump. We are the Revolution of Common Sense People.

LOTS to talk about.

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51 Comments on TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 LIVE on the U.S. & Eh?! Show

  1. Hi Guys,

    I want to give a shout out for prayers and support for our friend, Gerard Van der Luen of

    He was one of the 27,000 forced to evacuate early yesterday morning from his town of Paradise, up in the benches east of Chico, CA. The fire, “Camp Fire”, started around 6:30 a. and by mid-morning the place was a conflagration. Gerard’s darling mother lives in Chico and he and his new editorial assistant, Olive (short for Olivia) are hole-up at Lois’s apartment. He got out with the clothes on his back, one towel, a phone and computer with back-up drive. His neighbor told him today that his home is a pile of ash. Oh, and his library is gone (and it was an impressive library). I talked to him about an hour ago and he says that the only book that he owns is “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” because that was in the trunk of his car.

    Prayers and love to Gerard.

  2. No Brainer — we need the senate seats. Without them it will be Democrat Toothache for TWO YEARS. No amount of Advil is going to make that go away. A TWO YEAR toothache! Look, they had a meager gain in the house and they’re already insufferable.

    I hate politics. The only ballots the D’s “find” are the ones they find in trunks of cars and in closets in polling places. Cheaters. They can’t win without cheating. Case closed.

  3. ..And another thing! Why, when there are investigations into vote fraud that prove vote fraud, are the elections decided by fraud allowed to stand? Boy, that’s some effective deterrent, huh?!

  4. That’s because Romney thinks he’s going to the GOPe’s wunderkind nominee in 2020 — bet on it. They’re not gone, just taking a breather. We conservative patriots are going to have to go big or go home in the next several cycles. We’ve had a glimpse of political heaven with Trump. Are we gonna let that door slam shut forever in this country?

  5. They just found 5 people dead in a burned up car. I talked to a buddy of mine that lives in Chico and he says there’s not much left of Paradise. 5,000 acres to 17,000 acres in a couple hours is unheard of.

  6. Hello Mr. Pinko and Mr. Mike. I missed y’all last week. In her new book, Michelle Obama stated that she will never forgive President Trump for bringing up the “birther” issue. Now, one cad said that it is a hefty book, heavy enough to make a handy door stop.
    Another wiseass at iotw report said “once you put it down you’ll never want to pick it up again.”
    But it has been my understanding that is was Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, who brought up the “birther” issue during the Democratic primary of 2008. Perhaps someone in your very wise audience, may know if that’s true. I am not certain.
    Have a great weekend and remember those great Americans on Veteran’s Day. 11/11.

  7. Tonight I don’t care about Acosta, I am worried about my Friend,
    Gerard. “At American Digest”.
    He was one of the first to bring the web to the people.
    Hit his paypal if you can.

  8. They need to invalidate the votes in Palm Springs and Broward Counties. It is useless to be able to tell which votes are real and which might have been tampered with by those in charge. They lost the chain of custody, therefore, invalidate them. Blame those at the top (all Democrats) for their loss of suffrage. Let them scream voter suppression all they want, but their own leaders (who have proven themselves as untrustworthy stewards in the past) did this to them).

  9. I read a tweet about getting every state to eliminate their voter rolls and get everyone re-registered with proof of citizenship. They need federal elections judges to observe every single re-registration.

    Every state can do this before 2020.

  10. So I lost on my predictions. I had the senate right.(If there is not to much fraud) The house, I got totally wrong. I had know idea that there were so many people who want so much free stuff.
    I Put this loss right in the lap of Paul Ryan, And all the people that hate P.Trump. They sent no money to the races that they needed to,and they new which people needed help.
    Screw the never Trumpers. Now most of them are gone.
    Its a new day, and we will still keep on winning.
    “Hold the Line men” “Hold the linemen” We will prevail.

  11. My God. Claudia. What have we become? Have you seen the Gosnell movie yet?

    Also Abigail, I’ll gladly send a buck or two to Gerard, if you can get something going. I give BFH permission to out me to you.
    I have trouble with Paypal.

  12. Robert O’Rourke — from southern Ireland. And he totally proves your point that people aren’t paying attention enough to know that a blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy with the last name O’Rourke isn’t actually hispanic.

  13. People need to understand that they are responsible for their own happiness. It’s no one elses responsibility. No one is being oppressed. The oppression is their own doing.

  14. Pinko, he helped out many of the people in the house, more than the Senate,But he new that the Senate was easier to hold,and would do more to keep his plan on track.
    RANT ON.

  15. What are we going to do about it. Get involved on the local level.
    Spend a whole show on what people can do to help. we sent one person over to help, but no one listened, Right am I right.

  16. The problem with the vote is the same problem with political parties. The vote counting is controlled by the parties. No party officials of any kind should be involved AT ALL in collecting and counting votes. They shouldn’t be in the polling places or anywhere voters vote on election days. Create a Cabinet position under SCOTUS. Pay the people, make them take an oath, blah, blah, blah.

    Hey, I know, let Poland run our voting.

  17. Geoff, settle down, some of us are multi-tasking as this is going on. Right now I’m putting on a world class smoke on a couple of Kurobuta pork chops. I guarantee I’m involved in my own way.

  18. We watch election numbers live on TV during an election. Tell me how some ballots aren’t reported during live election coverage? Where does CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc, get their vote tally counts during live TV? Its absurd


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