TONIGHT – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 – The U.S. & Eh?! Show 8:00pm EST CALL IN # (323) 870-3371 – IOTW Report

TONIGHT – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 – The U.S. & Eh?! Show 8:00pm EST CALL IN # (323) 870-3371

Political Talk Show with @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371

Today’s Show includes:

* Special Guest: Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch

* Happy Birthday Sarah Huckabee Sanders

* FBI FIRES Peter Strzok –

* Richard Russell – Suicide by plane

* Omarosa’s 15 extra seconds of fame

* CNN fakes more “news” – Fake Trump voter – Jeremy Montanez

* Featured Song “Terror Storm”


Robert Bruce Spencer (born February 27, 1962) is an American author and blogger and a key figure of the “counter-jihad” movement in the United States. He appears frequently on Fox News and has given seminars to various law enforcement units in the United States.



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22 Comments on TONIGHT – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 – The U.S. & Eh?! Show 8:00pm EST CALL IN # (323) 870-3371

  1. My first real intro to Islam was through two of your books. Thank you Mr. Spencer.

    Prior to those books I had read a bio about a woman who married a ME man who then took their child to visit grandparents, and and he wouldn’ bring the child back. The mom went through hell to kidnap her child out of that country. The other book was a bio about a famous journalist who was held captive for years. Since then I’ve read more such books, but for a real education, yours are tops. Again thank you.

  2. @AA, I think it was. Not sure, it was so many years ago. Way prior to the internet even.

    Some things that stuck in my memory:

    Someone from the American Embassy helped her by giving her a car to use. Women were not allowed to drive. Her husband was sweet and charming before he absconded with their daughter. He was a doctor.

    It was a full book, not a Reader’s Digest condensed version although I bought it via Reader’s Digest back then.

    I could not put the book down.

  3. The PC thing reared its ugly head at my son’s wedding a couple of weeks ago. The Cat Lickers changed it to “What God has joined together let no HUMAN put asunder.”

  4. Something to eventually follow up that some of us on “the site” have discussed. Who in the hell is organizing this on a Global Scale. It’s like a bad game of password. FUR just mentioned what has many of us concerned. After that you dive head first into the Illuminati. WTF? Somethings up. And it’s not good for us.

  5. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I’m not a paranoid… but it is creepy how the left, globally, have their talking points down pat in a matter of hours.

    Is there a secret website we’re not able to log into?

  6. We had a great conversation with, Shit, I think it was the Original Tim, I’m probably wrong. I have a bad habit of breaking everything down to monetary gain. Who ever it was pointed out, there are more important things than money to lots of people.
    I’m just sayen, we’re all running out of road not to start looking at some of these theories. It’s about all that’s left that makes sense.
    I’m pretty sure it was Tim. If he’s reading this he might confirm. It was a great thread.


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