Too Young? Manhattan Young Democrats Jacob Schwartz arrested on illegal porn charges – IOTW Report

Too Young? Manhattan Young Democrats Jacob Schwartz arrested on illegal porn charges

Jacob Schwartz, 29, surrendered to authorities Thursday to face charges of

possession of a sexual performance by a child and promoting a sexual performance by a child.
LOOK WHO Jacob Schwartz is PICTURED WITH. There was an attempt to MEMORY HOLE the PHOTO. The attempt failed.

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13 Comments on Too Young? Manhattan Young Democrats Jacob Schwartz arrested on illegal porn charges

  1. Not enough testosterone collectively to give an erection to a 12 year old boy.
    Possibly shared interests. Illegal aliens, Islamic refugees, Perverts, atheists, socialists, marxists and communists are drawn to the DNC like pedophiles to young, vulnerable children.

  2. Isn’t interesting that Hillary felt the need to ‘address’ the ‘outrageous’ claims in a recent speech she gave? Very interesting…

  3. Would they let a little boy come between them?

    We laugh but it is no laughing matter.

    Perversion doesn’t just destroy the body, it corrupts the soul – which is a greater sin, I believe.

    Maybe he and Mook could adopt a little boy and diddle him on a plane?
    Or in the living room, or the bathroom, or out behind the dumpster?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. These people make Anthony Weiner look righteous by comparison.

    They key is that they all know what is going on. The “feminists”. The betas. The highly credentialed but uneducated self-proclaimed intellectual betters.

    Gay fathers raising gay sons they that both they and their friends molested as children and have set up an architecture of child trafficking under the ruse of giving back to the community and “international aid”. From Hollywood to the UN to your local “safe space”.

    If a natural disaster hits a poor country, these people will be humping cholera into the surviving children before the first case of water gets there so they can trade sex for it.

    The Democrat Party is an ongoing criminal conspiracy to steal from the taxpayer to underwrite their perversion and inhumanity.

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