TOYS “R” ME – IOTW Report


Girls’ toys are so unoriginal. From what I could tell, the only two criteria for being a girl’s toy is that it has to 1) Be pink 2) Be a sh@tty toy.

Last week my wife and I did something not a lot of married couples make time to do anymore. We packed the kids up and sent them to my mom and dad’s, then we turned the lights down real low…

And then we left the house to go Christmas shopping in mid-November.

This is a record for us. Since we had our first child almost six years ago, it seems the Christmas shopping has been done later and later. The reason why this happens is simple: when you have children you don’t have any time or money, which are the two most essential ingredients to Christmas shopping. MORE


5 Comments on TOYS “R” ME

  1. I have to agree on the girl’s toys. Our daughter had the usual compliment of dolls and doll clothes, however, she really barely played with them. She got into playing when her brother was old enough for tinker toys and other building toys. By the time her next brother came along, she was playing exclusively with boy toys.

    The year our youngest son got the Kinex Ferris Wheel, after he opened it, he didn’t get to put it together because two adult male engineers and one college engineering major put it together. I had to hold up Christmas brunch because the big boys wouldn’t stop to eat.

  2. Divorced 20-years ago after the children were adults. That first November it slowly occurred to me, there is no law one must celebrate Christmas. No gifts, no tree, no cooking, no airports. Highly recommend.

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