TransitCare – IOTW Report



Seattle Transit Charges People Based on Income.

A Somali immigrant outside Seattle took her child to the doctor this week and left with something unexpected: a card that lets her take public transit for more than 50% off. “What’s the trick in it?” asked the 27-year-old mother of two, Basro Jama. “No trick,” said the guy processing her card.

It’s part of a new program in King County, Wash., enabling low-income people to ride ferries, trains, and buses at more affordable rates, the New York Timesreports. “I would characterize this as a safety valve,” says county transit executive Dow Constantine. more

16 Comments on TransitCare

  1. …officials learned that most county residents are either rich or poor…

    Based on what? On Obama’s promise to never raise taxes on anyone that made less than $250K?

    This sounds to me like they’ve just done away with the middle class in Seattle. They are realizing their socialist dreams.

  2. I live around an hour and a half from Seattle and over the course of 25+ years we have really looked forward to a day or two in the big city. I know it is many hundreds of dollars every year. I’m not doing it anymore and I have a lot of friends that feel the same way. They can keep their filthy utopia to themselves.

  3. Several years ago in the budding Seattle Somali Seedling/Immigrant community, there was a spike in accidental poisonings and several deaths from exposure to carbon monoxide. Why?

    Because all of these growing seedlings who were busy navigating instead of assimilating, did what they always do when the family hut gets cold in the winter. They fired up a brazier full of charcoal in the living room so the whole family could snuggle around it and stay warm at night. The use and operation of a thermostat might as well have been magic.

    In response, the Seattle City Council (briefly) considered requiring warning labels on bags of charcoal be printed in Somali as well as English, but when informed there were already warnings in English and Spanish on the bags telling people not to burn it indoors, and that there was no room for a warning in every language, Council was persuaded to drop the matter.

  4. You can subsidize public transportation when you continually receive ‘freebies’ from the feds.
    It’s the only way most public transportation survives today because public transportation is NOT self-sufficient and it never will be because it’s not a necessary commodity to the general public.

  5. Thank goodness I LEFT The People’s Republic Of Seattle in 2007.

    I did 21 YEARS of HARD time in that piss bucket city; COFFEE will only take you so far…

    Not only does the weather there SUCK ten months out of the year, but the powers that be are determined to turn it into a San Francisco North.

    It has become a town full of men with vaginas.

  6. I still love to visit Seattle-for the beauty and seafood, it’s my favorite. If you’re lucky enough to be there when the sun is out, it’s really gorgeous. I avoid watching local news or reading newspapers. I can make it a couple days before the creepy REgressivism starts oozing in.

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