Trump’s Border Wall – Obama’s Border Fence – @Mr_Pinko VIDEO – IOTW Report

Trump’s Border Wall – Obama’s Border Fence – @Mr_Pinko VIDEO

A @Mr_Pinko VIDEO

Trump’s Border Wall – Obama’s Border Fence – @Mr_Pinko VIDEO

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8 Comments on Trump’s Border Wall – Obama’s Border Fence – @Mr_Pinko VIDEO

  1. I kind of like the idea of a see-through bottom on the wall. If we see them lurking about with a ladder or rope we can shoot them with BB guns and let them know they are not welcome. If they persist and make it to the top, then we pull out the big bore stuff.

  2. TO JBB

    That’s the *worst* design IMHO.
    They put the weakest/thinnest feature at the bottom.
    Destroy one “tooth” and you’ve got an open door.
    I call it ObamaWall.

  3. TO JBB

    SO…instead of having the wall do the work,
    you’re suggesting hundreds/thousands of Border Patrol men
    should be busy just making sure The Wall works.

    NOT EFFICIENT. OR smart.
    Let The Wall do a wall’s job.
    Let the Border Patrol focus on other aspects.

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