U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko Oct 22, 2018 – IOTW Report

U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko Oct 22, 2018

CALL in # (323) 870-3371 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST


CALL in # (323) 870-3371 – 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST

U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko Oct 22, 2018

* President Trump surpasses Obama in the polls.
* President Trump Rally in Houston, TX for TED CRUZ
* “Caravan” MOB still heads toward the U.S. Border
* Democrats continue to be unhinged in public towards Republicans
* Taking calls TONIGHT

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
DEPLORABLE - FOLLOWED by the BEST on TWITTER and GAB. Making Liberal Heads Explode One Empty Skull at a Time! Check out PolitOpinion.com

39 Comments on U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko Oct 22, 2018

  1. Hello Mr. Pinko and Mr. Mike. I’m glad you’re on tonight, looking forward to the show.
    Got an email today from my friend H.D.(also a friend of Iotw report)
    His son, a New Yorker, just retired from the Air Force (23 years) and moved to Tennessee. Last week he attended a Trump rally in his town.
    He waited in line four hours, but it was an enjoyable 4 hours. He said Tennesseans are wonderful, friendly people. They love President Trump and they love America. I guess New York just lost another good man. Have a great night. Lotashit on the plate tonight: The invading army, uh I mean caravan, What will Trump do?
    The media are frothing at the mouth, ready to pounce. MAGA!

  2. Just got this email from Jim Jordan today. Please send whatever you can to support these races:


    The midterm elections are now just days away and we need to do everything we can to elect strong conservatives who will fight for less government and more freedom.

    The forecasters are predicting that the Democrats will take over the House, but I believe we can stop them if we work together.

    Our candidates don’t need to match their opponents dollar-for-dollar, but they need enough money to get their message out.

    There are five current members of the House Freedom Caucus and five future members who are in close races.

    These ten candidates need your urgent help.

    Rod Blum (IA-01)
    Ted Budd (NC-13)
    Dave Brat (VA-07)
    Mark Harris (NC-09)
    Yvette Herrell (NM-02)
    Debbie Lesko (AZ-08)
    Scott Perry (PA-10)
    Denver Riggleman (VA-05)
    Chip Roy (TX-21)
    Greg Steube (FL-17)

    These are full-spectrum, pro-Trump conservatives that you can depend on to fight for you and your family.

    They’re also willing to work as group with other members of the House Freedom Caucus to create even more leverage to advance the principles of freedom that make America great.

    This is important because the DC swamp is extremely powerful and conservatives will never succeed unless they work together and hold each other accountable.

    Please make an urgent contribution to the House Freedom Fund to support these candidates.

    House Freedom Fund (HFF) is the only political group in America that is exclusively dedicated to supporting and expanding the House Freedom Caucus, and it has been extremely effective in providing critical resources to candidates.

    With your help in the final days of this election, I’m confident that HFF can push these leaders on to victory.

    Thank you for considering this request and thank you for being willing to do your part to fight for America’s future.


    U.S. Congressman, R-Ohio
    U.S. House Candidates

  3. Ugh, out tonight with a few libtards. Trying to explain the problems with Menendez (NJ) to them…Will catch the show tomorrow on replay. Have a good show guys!

  4. Claudia — Holy smokes!! 177K people!!?

    These are the times I wish I had both time and money at the same time!!!! Would LOVE to be among that many peeps, huh?

    They should deploy those Deplorables to the U.S./Mex border.

  5. If I won a billion dollars, I buy/build all family members their dream home and every toy they ever wanted.

    — Blow as much as possible on everything I’ve ever wanted, mostly travel for Loonnnnng time.

    — Turn the rest of it into cash (dollar bills) and just roll around in it for a while. Then get the best wealth manager money can buy.

    Easy come — easy go.

  6. Win a billion $? I’d buy a new car for my sister and roommate. Then buy a nice house with property (for my family to hunt and fish on) for my sister, roommate and me. Hire a nurse to take care of my mom and move her in with us. Give some serious money to my family. Go on a fun vacation maybe once per year. Save the rest for the future.

  7. Christian PDX — I have no doubt whatsoever that POTUS Trump has got a really good team of people ALL OVER the approaching marauder situation. This is real threat to national security and will be treated as one. He’s not going to capitulate and neither is Pompeo, Bolton, NSA and the rest.

  8. @Abigail Adams

    Keep up the fight like these guys:

    Daniel 3:16-28 King James Version

    16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.

    17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.

    18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

  9. Conversation ended on 2 points:

    1. Trump is NOT up for reelection this year. Duh?!
    2. If you vote for the pedophile, Menendez, for Senate, I am no longer hanging out with you pedophile voters. You don’t look up the facts. I already have.

    The reaction was no, no, no! we just don’t follow this stuff as much as you do!

    Well, do some research and vote for the republican Hugin, against the pedophile!

  10. Willy. I know. When are you calling in,with you “story”
    Dip your toe in they do not bite.
    BB is pissed off and right fully so. Arron Burr has pissed off a lot of us here by saying that he screwed our mothers.
    iOTW is the wild wild west Mr. Hat puts up with a lot.
    Free speech and all that, I like it.
    Brad is busy and that is a good thing,he is building things to blow up the bad guys.

  11. @ Geoff…I recognized “I fucked your mother” smart mouth from 7th/8th grade humor…just a bit more caustic then “Your a booger eaten’ moron”…I simply don’t comprehend how that juvenile comment could hurt your feelings if your 62 years old….

    Listen, my Mom died at age 48, 35 years ago and NO smart mouthed juvenile comment would I ever allow to make me become a pissy ant….childish shit…..Hell, BB started shit with many people for no reason. I loved his comments to a point and he eventually became tiresome…..appears to be a highly skilled, knowledgeable craftsman and businessman who can’t hold his liquor late at night…

  12. @Geoff….my story is pretty boring…white guy, art degree, worked in the trades (welding/Fab). everything was buried in dirt and concrete and mud….HEAVY shit!….did some side work in furniture….drove big trucks and equipment, danced the tango, foxtrot and fandango…….and YOU?…never military was I…


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