U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371 – IOTW Report

U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371

U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko

CALL in # (323) 870-3371

LIVE Tuesday October 2nd 8:00PM to 10:00pm EST


CALL in # (323) 870-3371

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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10 Comments on U.S. & Eh!? Blog Talk Radio w/ Mike Nordstrom & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371

  1. I’m looking forward to November, too.

    I just have a few seconds here and there of being worried about all the money being spent by the left. Illegal aliens voting, the dead voting, ballot shenanigans, voting in multiple locations, etc.

    But then I just pray harder. I ask God to do what he did two years ago – prevented the left from stealing the election. God didn’t make anyone vote a certain way, he just shut down the left’s plans. At least, that’s what I think.


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