U.S. & Eh!? Talk Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko October 9, 2018 – IOTW Report

U.S. & Eh!? Talk Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko October 9, 2018

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Political Talk Show with @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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19 Comments on U.S. & Eh!? Talk Show w/ @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko October 9, 2018

  1. Mike the Mobs are alive in Toronto! Forward-Back is just what I was thinking! Never get out! Protect yourself and your property! For some, if they rent, their biggest asset is their car.

  2. My wife ran for town council under the Republican ticket. The Republicans recruited her. The democrats were relentless even lies on this level. She will never run again. She knocked on 1000 doors and did what she needed to do. But we live in a democratic town. So not always good when you are living in a blue state.

    Oh, she lost.

  3. It’s so incredibly important that we not get complacent and start to think that Trump can do all this by himself. Just like the ’16 election — when we didn’t have Trump as POTUS — we ALL need to get involved and do everything we can to maintain our ’16 win.

  4. This is from the other day’s post:


    “Between Trump and his opposition, I would rather vote for him, despite his flaws, than for his opponents who want a flawless progressive utopia. Trump is neither an ambassador for my values nor the articulate champion of my principles that I’d prefer. But he is the safe harbor in a progressive storm that seeks to both destroy my values and upend our constitutional republic.”

    “Democrats have also caused…{some people}…to finally realize that Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy everything that we hold dear, including due process, our values, and our constitutional republic, and that Trump is the only logical, politically practical alternative to that.”

  5. Everyone.
    Get involved and vote like your life depends on it because it does.
    Lori is a good friend of ours. We spent the 2016 night when P.Trump got elected with her. (And many others)
    Mike and Pinko now you know why all I talk about is get out and
    vote. That’s all we have to stop the left from rolling us.

  6. Here’s an example of King County GOP advertising today for GOTV:

    ” Now hiring temporary employees… one week only, no experience needed!
    The King County Republican Party is now hiring temporary field workers to help with our Get Out the Vote efforts. Positions start on October 13th and will go through October 18th.
    Pay is $20.00 per hour.
    Please share this message with anyone you know who may be looking for a work opportunity!
    If you are interested in a position, click here to fill out the form, and we will be in touch.

    To Victory,
    Chairman Lori Sotelo”

    I’ll bet there are many other GOP orgs across the country doing the same thing. Look yours up and get out there!

  7. BREAKING NEWS! from Brietbart: An 85-page briefing, titled “The Good Censor,” admits that Google and other tech platforms now “control the majority of online conversations” and have undertaken a “shift towards censorship”


    Brietbart headline: ‘THE GOOD CENSOR’: Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety And Civility’

  8. Goeff C.: Much love from the same fight on the east coast!

    “Even though we are are on the left coast we have a burning desire to change the congress,even if we can not change it in our own state.”


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