Watch Black Lesbians Beat The Crap Out Of Gay Men – IOTW Report

Watch Black Lesbians Beat The Crap Out Of Gay Men

Is thisĀ a hate crime?

black tranny gay fight

13 Comments on Watch Black Lesbians Beat The Crap Out Of Gay Men

  1. No, it is not a hate crime. Since they’re all democrats they love each other.

    Besides, this is what the democrat party leadership wants. The factions fighting amongst themselves so they can demand higher taxes to pay for social workers to explain to the democrat factions how they are being disenfranchised.

    It’s all part of the show.

  2. All I can say is, none of them know how to fight, So it’s entertaining in the same way as watching Kindergarteners scrap.

    I raised Marines.

    First rule: Don’t fight unless you have to. Avoid it if you can.

    Second rule: If you have to, kick their ever lovin’ azz so hard and so fast – they don’t know what happened when they wake up later in the week. If you can do it in one punch – bonus points.

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