What do Black Voters think of White Liberals’ Voter I.D. Laws? Not what you think.
What do Black Voters think of White Liberals’ Voter I.D. Laws? Not what you think.
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Well there you have it. White liberal college students say blacks are ignorant. And blacks in Harlem say white college students are ignorant and racist. I side with the Harlem residents. Also one woman in Harlem asks, “How do they think this way?” The answer is white progressive college professors.
Great video….shows explicitly why the dumbdumb libbies in California should be re-educated away from leftist profs… those snowflakes are such VALLEY GURLS!! Their parents should slap the shit out of them, and then slap them again for shitting their panties.
Who was the gigantic douche in the red sweater? Love the move with the glasses, drop the chin and look like his answer is the authority of the universe.
There’s a nifty electronics recycling company in Fremont, just at the north end of Lake Union in Seattle. They take your old stuff and provide training and jobs for low income and unskilled people and they sell it for pennies on the dollar. There’s only one catch: they only sell to low income people. And in order to buy there you have to have proof — an EBT card with your name on it or an I.D. from the Housing Authority, etc. I’m sure there are a lot of other social services that require an I.D. in order to render their services. Duh. So, tell me again how poor people are restricted from voting because they got no I.D.
If a poor person for some odd reason doesn’t have a photo ID, their Social Worker will arrange to get them one.
Like so many nonexistent problems, like the ‘gun show loophole’ and ‘gender pay gap’, it’s a leftist Dogma useful for keeping them whipped up in imaginary outrage.
Trump 2016.
Oh goodness. The liberal students don’t enemy know how racist they are. Like HRC insulting people by her faux accent, and carrying around hot sauce. Pandering, stupid, racists.
I’ll bet that if you told these CA students that polar bears are dying because of global warming they’d believe you. OH never mind.
C’mon, we all know why REgressives fight voter ID laws. It has nothing to do with conservatives preventing blacks from voting and everything to do with perpetuating voter fraud.
I’ve never seen a article about the “get out the vote” group assisting in ID processing. Never heard of a bus arriving at an ID location nor guidance or any help at all helping the poor disadvantaged obtaining a needed ID for daily life.
Why do election laws and process never come up during the down cycle, sort of like teacher union contracts never needed renewal if not during the school year months?
If, by overturning these racist Voter ID laws, we make sure just one black chile gets to vote, then it’s worth it.