Melissa Harris Perry – “Arson and Looting is Not Violence” – IOTW Report

Melissa Harris Perry – “Arson and Looting is Not Violence”

Person 1 – “Our entire city is burnt to the ground and everything has been looted and pillaged.”

Person 2 – “Thank God there was no violence, though.”

26 Comments on Melissa Harris Perry – “Arson and Looting is Not Violence”

  1. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

    OMG, suddenly arson and looting are merely an expression of one’s first amendment rights.

    This leads me to wonder…

    Why are liberals always so willing to bend their reasoning process into the shape of a pretzel in order to excuse the appalling behavior of Blacks and Muslims?

  2. Violence: Unwanted glance by random white guy.
    Not Violence: Molotov cocktails and crowbar beatdowns by black yoots.
    Violence: Having doubts about the sanctity of crushing the skulls of fetuses.
    Not violence: Crushing skulls of Bosnian immigrants with hammers.

  3. She’s simply parroting zampolits at Media Matters from their Daily Comrade Talking Points.

    Didn’t get enough? It will be repeated ad nauseam though out the coming week.

  4. Just keep repeating the phrase “MOSTLY PEACEFUL” no matter what else is going on. For example:
    “Rioters went on a MOSTLY PEACEFUL rampage last night, burning down stores, looting and killing people like savage feral animals in a MOSTLY PEACEFUL protest.”

  5. Speech is speech. Oral or written.

    Acts are acts.

    Speech is not an act. An act is not speech.

    The courts muddied the waters of clear thinking back during the flag-burning days when they declared that the act of burning was a form of speech. Thus, the foundation of her foolishness is the Supreme Court – clowns in black dresses who no longer understand anything about why they’re there.

  6. If that clit has a PHd then I’m Norman Ein….I mean, Albert Einstein. “A day that will live in infamy.” Indeed.

    Imagine busting your ass to build a business only to have it destroyed, but in a non violent fashion ?

    That broad should be fired for stupidity.

  7. What a total maroon. But we knew that already.
    Melissa, if you can even read, check this out:
    Oxford Dictionary:
    Definition of violence in English:
    [mass noun]
    – Behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or SOMETHING

  8. What. A. Moron.

    This is typical libtard thinking. It’s only violence if WE say it is. It’s only bad if WE say it is. As if they are the keeper-of-the-keys when it comes to defining the words of the English language.

    Question Ms. Perry — When Barack Obama and Eric Holder sent thousands of weapons across the Mexican border illegally, was that violence? Please keep in mind the hundreds of Mexican citizens that died from the illegal and violent actions of both Obama and Holder.

    Why don’t you get out of your ivory tower and actually ask the people that have been negatively affected by this violence in Ferguson. Ask them how they feel. Ask the business owner whose business is now in shambles. Ask the employees who no longer have a job. Ask the insurance company that has to pay for the business owner to rebuild. Ask the other policy holders from the same insurance company that will now have to pay higher premiums. Ask them if they feel violated.

    By the way Ms. Perry, go get a dictionary. The root of the word violate is the following:

    1400-50; late Middle English < Latin violātus, past participle of violāre to treat with violence, violate, apparently derivative of violentus violent (taking viol- as base)


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