Matt Wuerker – Moron Extraordinaire – Strikes Again – IOTW Report

Matt Wuerker – Moron Extraordinaire – Strikes Again

We put an iOTWreport spotlight on this moron once before. He’s at it again. If Matt Wuerker has kids someone should call child protection, because innocent children shouldn’t have a parent this friggin stupid. It’s dangerous.

Here’s Matt’s latest:


Left out of this moron’s Magnum Oafous is the role played by HIS PARTY. Like a good propagandist, this shart whitewashes the role of progressives in the death march. Let’s analyze this dipsh@t’s premise:

“First the good jobs disappear.”

Well, why would this happen? Good and abundant middle-class jobs are usually found in the field of manufacturing. What are the natural enemies of manufacturing? Environmental restrictions, punitive taxation and union demands. Are these left-wing attributes or right-wing?

“Then the Middle Class Fled to the Suburbs.”

Slow down there, son. Way before the middle-class flees for the suburbs there are other changes made to the Baltimore landscape. The city, run by democrats, advances programs that are ostensibly designed to lessen the pain felt by people who lost their good jobs and are now in more modest employment, but in reality the programs attract hordes of people from other areas that never had good jobs, or an education, or anything at all to contribute to a thriving city. They act as parasites on the host. People with an education and a skill set see the writing on the progressive wall and get the hell out because they are being taxed to death to pay for deadbeats.

“Public Schools Fail.”

But they do not fail for a lack of funding. They fail because they are filled with the children of the newly arrived, and the homegrown, parasites who do not value education. The schools do not fail, the students fail. The same school could be airlifted out of the inner city, completely intact but devoid of the inner city students, and it would thrive with the suburban students. Why is that?

“More Jobs Go Overseas.”

See, First the Good Jobs Disappear.

“Police Crack Down To Keep a Lid On the Many Disenfranchised.”

The looters and rioters and the criminals are former manufacturing employees? What exactly are they disenfranchised from? Disenfranchisement could be a good thing. They ought to disenfranchise themselves from leftism. Put on a pair of good shoes and walk the hell away from any city run, top to bottom, by leftists.

“City Infrastructure Crumbles.”

When you encourage and enable the crab grass your lawn is going to look pretty shitty.

When the producers move on to greener pastures there is not a big enough tax base left to pay for the non-producers. The leftist response is to tax even more, driving out the few remaining true believers (white leftists), who turn around and blame the prescient (conservatives, black conservatives included) for having superior foresight.

Note that I do not consider the blacks left behind in the inner-cities leftists. They do not share the leftist platform.

They are not proponents of gay marriage, the LGBT coalition, environmentalism, anti-religion, anti-military, anti-Israel, pro-feminism, global warming proponents, anti-oil or anti-fracking. They share as much, value-wise, with the right as they do with the left. It’s just that they were bought off, bought off with a life of immobile low-class existence in exchange for their vote.

It’s time to get off that plantation.



16 Comments on Matt Wuerker – Moron Extraordinaire – Strikes Again

  1. Maybe the good white liberal should move into one of those houses vacated by white folks who became so frightened they ran away from all their equity. The clueless good white liberal can pick up one of those abandoned houses for just a few cents on the dollar. What’s that old saying? Oh, yeah. A conservative is a former liberal who was mugged.

  2. Baltimore’s been a cesspool since, at least, the 60s. We moved to MD in 67 and Baltimore was a rancid wasteland of rat-people, then. Between the socialists and the unions (redundant, I know) Baltimore never had a chance. Re-doing the inner harbor brought in the faggots and yuppies – but never enough to offset the feral negroes.

  3. Note to libfucks – stop using catch phrases that don’t apply, such as:

    disenfranchise :verb (transitive)

    1. to deprive (a person) of the right to vote or other rights of citizenship

    2. to deprive (a place) of the right to send representatives to an elected body

    3. to deprive (a business concern, etc) of some privilege or right

    4. to deprive (a person, place, etc) of any franchise or right

    Show me examples or STFU

  4. I think ‘First’ should be what political party was in charge? Liberals of course.
    How do you just omit that. That’s huge.
    If republicans caused the problem that would have been first.

  5. “First, the good jobs disappeared.” Wait – you just glossed over this very important point, actually the starting point of your thesis, without even bothering to explain why the good jobs disappeared. The rest of the “argument” is nothing but foreseeable consequences.

    It’s like a doctor visiting a patient in the hospital; “your heart gave out, so you will be bedridden here the resti of your short life, and you will die shortly.” Really, that’s it? Why is this, and can the condition be changed? Maybe the fact that the patient weighed 400 pounds, smoked 5 packs of cigarettes a day, had a diet of french fries and chili dogs, and did nothing but watch television all day had something to do with his heart problems, and maybe changing this lifestyle will have some benefit.

    If “first, the good jobs disappeared” is the root of the problem, then maybe making sure good jobs come back and stay would help solve the problem. But this would entail examining failed policies, and liberals cannot do this without admitting the stupidity of their positions.

  6. Typical libtard to lamment on symptoms rather than causes. Wyatt and others above hit the crux of the matter – the root cause for why things are. That root cause is the flight of good jobs from the area. Why that happened all they would have to do is examine the reasons why businesses would leave. Some may be uncompetitive and not changing with the times, but most probably were forced out due to onerous regulations and other requirements that made them uncompetitive. Again, it is a typical libtard to try to assign blame for the symptoms than correct the problems that led to the root cause

  7. You guys all do good analyses of how dishonest the cartoon is, but the fact is, the socialists’ hangers- on don’t want to hear it.

    They are like stupid children who can’t understand that wishing for something doesn’t make it so.

    “If you wish upon a star …”

    So much easier than actually doing something.

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