Fans Celebrate at Trump Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame – IOTW Report

Fans Celebrate at Trump Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Breitbart: Supporters of President-elect Donald Trump gathered to celebrate early Wednesday morning at his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, chanting “U-S-A!” and wearing “Make America Great Again” hats.



The star had been defaced several times over the course of the election. Once, it was spray-painted with a swastika. People also urinated on the star and encouraged their dogs to defecate on it. The star was physically destroyed last month, requiring it to be replaced. A homeless woman who later tried to protect the star with her body was physically attacked by anti-Trump protesters.

On Election Night, however, Trump’s star became the site of a victory party.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

“This is our president,” they cheered as they tried to shout down a small band of counter-protesters.

The crowd, many of them wearing the candidate’s signature “Make America Great Again” hats, chanted “USA” several times.

Trump shocked the media and Hollywood elite with his surprise victory. At least 16 celebrities had pledged to leave the country if Trump won.

At least one left-wing Hollywood personality had anticipated the Trump victory, however. Filmmaker Michael Moore had warned his fellow liberals that a Trump victory could be “the biggest ‘F*ck you’ ever recorded in human history.”   MORE

12 Comments on Fans Celebrate at Trump Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

  1. “I wonder what ever happened to that homeless lady who was protecting his star.”

    It’s LA. She was probably arrested for vagrancy, while her attackers were congratulated for cleaning the sidewalks.

  2. I heard that Trump, sorry, President Trump helped that homeless woman who was trying to protect the star on Hollywood blvd.

    If you ever go there to Hollywood, wear a cheap pair of shoes so you can throw them away and not track all that scum into your home. That place is infested with liberalism.

  3. I’m not “surprised” that Trump won. I’m a little surprised that things aren’t rigged enough to have prevented it.

    I knew that he SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN back when he declared his candidacy. I knew he would have much wider draw than someone like Cruz. I knew that he would fight unlike a JEB. Thus, he was the ONLY candidate that COULD defeat Hillary.

    I heard at church last night that Trump got 91% of the so-called evangelicals to turn out. This was an uprising against the Pizza Party Spirit Cooking Hilldabeast.

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