Notice anything unusual about Saturday’s BLM protest in Salt Lake City? – IOTW Report

Notice anything unusual about Saturday’s BLM protest in Salt Lake City?

That’s right, it’s pretty white. Apparently you can’t even pay BLM protestors to go to Salt Lake City.

15 Comments on Notice anything unusual about Saturday’s BLM protest in Salt Lake City?

  1. I live in Salt Lake City, and the first thing I noticed is that picture. Everyone is wearing winter clothes and it’s been in the 90’s here. The Pic is bullshit. There are thousands of black people living here but they have it pretty good so they don’t want the BLM shit here. If you’re going to insult us, at least know what the fuck you are talking about.

  2. grayjohn,
    Go to the linked article. The picture above is supposed to be a satire that we here in Utah usually think of BLM as Bureau of Land Management.

    And BTW, I did see a link that listed (among others) a BLM (Black Lives Matter this time) “DAY OF RAGE” (/sarc) protest on Friday 15 July 5pm, at the SLCC Campus at 4700 S Redwood.

    You going to be there?

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