Pamela Geller: If Loretta Lynch Wants to Ban ‘Violent Talk,’ She Should Ban the Quran – IOTW Report

Pamela Geller: If Loretta Lynch Wants to Ban ‘Violent Talk,’ She Should Ban the Quran

missing koran pages UK

BigGovernment: In the wake of the San Bernardino jihad slaughter, Obama’s jihad denial took a malevolent and tyrannical turn. The day after a horrific ISIS rampage, Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, pledged to an Islamic supremacist lobbying group that she would prosecute anyone who used “anti-Muslim” rhetoric.

Lynch declared: “When we talk about the First Amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted. My message not just to the Muslim community but to all Americans is: we cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on.”

If Lynch is serious in prosecuting hate speech, then she will have to start closing down mosques and banning the Quran. She wants to restrict the First Amendment so as to curb “actions predicated on violent talk?” Then she should ban this “violent talk”:   READ MORE

21 Comments on Pamela Geller: If Loretta Lynch Wants to Ban ‘Violent Talk,’ She Should Ban the Quran

  1. *Their actions prove that Moslems are Filthy Savages
    *Islam is Devil-worship
    *Allah is Satan
    *Islam requires its mainstream followers to do one of three things to non-Moslems: force them to convert, enslave them, kill them (pick one, there are no other choices per the Koran)
    *Islam is the only “religion” in the history of the world that requires its mainstream followers to do the above
    *Islam promotes inbreeding (marriage to first cousins)
    *Islam promotes paedophilia (marriage to girls as young as 9 y/o)


    Oh yeah, and a big Fuck You to Loretta Lynch. Read the Constitution you fascist idiot

  2. Yes, I’d say we are well on the way to becoming a fascist society imprisoning people for their beliefs. I need a new bumper sticker or T-shirt that says: Proud Future Political Prisoner”. Loretta, honey, take your ideologies and shove them up your …

  3. If we gave into fear – Fear of the savage muslim – and Fear of the attorney general prosecuting us – I wouldn’t say this:


  4. Pamela. Take heart. Things are starting to erupt. Within the last 24 hours i saw:

    1. A lovely lady on FOX News say “Obama doesn’t give a shit about us.”

    2. I heard Donald Trump say “This shit won’t happen again.” to roaring cheers.

    3 Col. Ralph Peters call Obama “a pussy.”

    4. Katerina Pierson, Trumps mouthpiece, and another beauty, rips the shit out of a CNN
    talking head.

    This going to get better. I love it.

  5. Tommy, Things will not get better until Barry has no more power. He has an agenda, and no matter what happens he will not deviate from that agenda. Part of that agenda is flooding us with Muslims. Disarming us is also part of that agenda. Things will get better if we have a President Trump.

  6. Yo Loretta!
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´

  7. Fox News suspended Colonel Peters after he gave a truthful answer to a question. Stacy Dash was suspended for saying Obama doesn’t give a shit about us. Why didn’t they bleep the objectionable utterances? Fuck you, Fox… are becoming more pussified everyday.

  8. “attorney general is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” – Wikiprogtardpedia

    This is supposedly the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government. And the constitution to this bitch means nothing. What the hell do we have impeachment laws for if we are not going to use them for the purpose for which they were designed?

  9. Hussein is half-black. And he should be tarred and feathered. But, this ^^ is why Ben Carson and Allen West won’t ever comment here. The Left uses comments like this to justify calling us racists. There is NOTHING wrong with having dark skin. It’s what goes on inside that counts.

  10. David Burge
    .@RMSKJV FUN FACT: it’s not a long drive from declaring all Muslim immigrants undesirables to declaring Islam an illegal religion.

    This guy is pro Muslim. WTF?

    Libertarian of course

    Read his twitter feed there is much more

  11. Oh Gwenn, I get it. Col. Peters should not have called him a pussy, He would have gotten away with “a taint” that no-man’s-land between the asshole and the vagina, which is of no absolute use even to a fahg. As for Ms. Dash using the word “shit”, in this day and age, damn it man. She should be tarred, feathered, Cat-n-nine-tailed. forced to walk the plank, keel fucking hauled, and ass kicked, and ………..ah enough

    I give up.

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